Always this Michel 2. - Michel has to make more males

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German title Always this Michel 2. - Michel has to make more males
Original title Nya hyss av Emil i Lönneberga
Country of production Sweden
original language Swedish
Publishing year 1972
length 91 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Olle Hellbom
script Astrid Lindgren
production Olle Nordemaar
music Georg Riedel
camera Kalle Bergholm
cut Jan Persson

←  Predecessor
Always this Michel 1. - Michel in the soup bowl

Successor  →
Always this Michel 3. - Michel puts the world in order

Always this Michel 2. - Michel must make more males is a film by director Olle Hellbom from 1972 . It is the second film in the three-part adaptation of Astrid Lindgren's novels about Michel from Lönneberga .


Many years ago, a little boy named Michel lived on the Katthult farm in Lönneberga, and at the age of five, new mishaps happen to him almost every day, which bothered the residents of the village very much. Some of Michel's mishaps are mistakenly interpreted as insidious pranks by the adults simply because the consequences are associated with a great deal of inconvenience for the parents and the residents of Lönneberga.

One day the people brought Michel's mother a bag full of money that they had collected to send Michel to America so that things should be quieter in the village. But Michel's mother is outraged and throws her money at people's feet. She loves her son and knows that he never means it badly and that it is often just mishaps.

Although Michel was usually locked in the woodshed by his father when he was doing something again, he has almost set up a second home here. That's why he sometimes locks himself up here and locks the door from the inside if his father tries to punish him again. In this way he can carve his little wooden men in peace and quiet, of which he had already made quite a large number over the years. His mother also wrote Michel's daily pranks in a blue notebook, and that too had become a considerable collection.

While Lina, the maid on the farm, didn't particularly like Michael, it was quite different with Alfred the farmhand. The two liked each other. Michel’s little sister Ida didn’t let her big brother upset either. In the evening Michel went to the lake with Alfred to catch crabs. Actually, he just wanted to put his father in a mild mood, because that day he had put the paint bucket down for him so that he had to step inside. But he did that again so clumsily that the many crabs crawl out of the bowl and spread all over the house. One of the crabs pinches his father's foot in the early morning. Otherwise they had three days to eat and Michel could even sell some crab tails in the village.

On the last Wednesday in October, Michel, his parents and Ida, Alfred and Lina go to the traditional market in Vimmerby . Only Krösa-Maja stays at home and looks after the farm. Things are turbulent on the market. Michel's mother has taken eggs and wool that she wants to sell at the market. Michel and his father look around them at the cattle market and Michel takes a liking to a horse, but it is too expensive for the father and so someone else buys Luke. Michel's family is invited to lunch with Mrs. Petrell. Opposite is the mayor's house and Michel immediately befriends his son. He has stilts and Michel is trying to walk with them. But that ends in a small catastrophe, because he falls through Frau Petrell's window with his head in the middle of the soup bowl. Ms. Petrell faints immediately, and since his parents are looking for water and never come back, Michel pours the rest of the blueberry soup on the woman's face. Michel's father is so angry that he grabs the boy by the ears and shakes it back and forth. Then he fetches a new window pane from the market and repairs the damage his son has caused. Meanwhile, Michel runs out of the house back to the market. He's just getting there when the new owner wants to have Lukas' horse shod. Since it doesn't keep still, Michel bets the owner that he would manage to get Lukas to be misted. This succeeds, and from now on the horse belongs to Michel, who rides proudly back to Ms. Petrell's house. Unfortunately, he lets himself be persuaded by the mayor's son to ride the animal into his father's house and then light the prepared fireworks, which again causes trouble. Everyone in town is now thinking that the long-announced comet will fall to earth. On the way home, Michel’s father is proud of his son for the first time. He had scared Mrs. Petrell and half Vimmerby half to death with his pranks, but got a horse for free. His pride fades when Michel locks him up in the toilet a few days later and he misses the good meal. After Anton Svensson let Alfred free himself, Michel quickly took refuge in the woodshed.

The first snow falls shortly before Christmas and Alfred injures his thumb while carving in the evening, which develops into blood poisoning. Michel takes care of his best friend and when he starts to feverish, Michel says that Alfred would have to be driven to the doctor in Mariannelund, but the snow storm does not allow that. Michel doesn't want to take it easy. He secretly harnesses his Lukas to the sleigh and sets off with Alfred to Mariannelund. Although the horse is young and strong and knows the way to the place from before, he gets stuck in the snow-blown path. Fortunately there is a farm in the vicinity and Michel calls the farmer to help. The latter pulls the sledge out of the snowdrift, but does not want to lend him a fresh horse for the rest of the route. Michel has to drive on with Lukas and comes to the end of his strength. The blizzard lashes him in the face and he doesn't know how to do it. Michel is desperate, but a horse snow plow comes to his rescue, which clears the way to Mariannelund. Alfred can now be treated just in time. The doctor sends all his waiting patients home and only takes care of the seriously ill Alfred. Michel does not leave Alfred's side and even stays when his hand has to be cut open. After a few days they both go home and the people from Mariannelund have now got to know Michel from his heroic side. In a letter the doctor gave me, it says that Michel’s parents can be proud of their son. Anton Svenssons, however, has his own worries right now, because he has a stomachache. So that they improve, he put a hot pot lid on his stomach. Michel wants to reheat the cooled lid on the kitchen stove. As so often, he means it too well and lets him get really hot and grabs him on the sleeping father's stomach.


In the theatrical version, not only are the voice actors used in the television series , the dialogues also differ significantly from those in the television version.

role actor Voice actor
Narrator Astrid Lindgren Margot Trooger
Michel Jan Ohlsson Gould Maynard
Alma Svensson Emy Storm Eva-Maria Lahl
Anton Svensson Allan Edwall Holger Hagen
Ida Lena Wisborg Inga Nickolai
Lina Maud Hansson Kathrin Ackermann
Alfred Bjorn Gustafson Horst Raspe
Krösa Maja Carsta Löck Carola Höhn
Mrs. Petrell Hannelore Schroth Hannelore Schroth
mayor Rudolf Schündler Rudolf Schündler
Horse dealer Bertil Norström Bruno W. Pantel


“Lightly staged, funny film about childhood experiences and pranks of little Michel. [...] Perfectly staged pleasant entertainment for children. "


In 1971, the German-Swedish series version of the films was made under the name of Michel from Lönneberga . In this, the adventures and mishaps were broadcast in individual episodes:

  • When Michel drove to the market
  • When Michel became a hero

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Always this Michel 2. - Michel has to make more men. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 27, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 

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