Lotta is moving

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Lotta is moving (original title: Lotta på Bråkmakargatan ) is a children's book by the Swedish children's book author Astrid Lindgren from 1961.

The story , written in very simple language , is aimed at children of preschool and early reading age and addresses the parent-child relationship and the development of self-confidence in early childhood. By placing the reader in Lotta's train of thought, she allows children to identify with the main character Lotta and addresses their little everyday joys and worries without, however, addressing family problems. As with many of Lindgren's works, her critics accuse her of a late romantic idyllization and transfiguration of childhood. The Swedish original edition first appeared in 1961, and the German first edition was published a year later.

The book was filmed in 1993 with Johanna Hald as director and Grete Havnesköld in the leading role. The play is now also performed by some puppet theaters.


At the center of the story is five-year-old Lotta, who doesn't always have it easy with the adult world. Annoyed by a bad dream in which her two siblings Jonas and Mia-Maria beat up their teddy bear, she becomes completely angry when she is not allowed to wear her beautiful velvet dress. Instead, she should make do with Grandma's itchy and piquant knitted sweater. Because of this, and because she suspects that her mother will not be enthusiastic about the hole cut in this piece of clothing out of anger, she decides to move out of home to punish her parents. On the other hand, she does not want to go too far away, because she would like to hear the sad reactions to her departure, and therefore moves to her neighbor "Aunt Berg" in the lumber room, where she keeps the children's things of her grown daughter. Provided with food by Aunt Berg, Lotta initially enjoys the feeling that she now has her own household, which even has its own little doll's dishes. Even when her siblings and mother come to visit and, contrary to expectations, are not sad at all, but seem to see it as completely normal that she now lives in the neighborhood, she remains steadfast and true to her will for the time being. Then, however, night falls and an eerie silence falls over the house, which is only interrupted by the groaning of the wooden beams. Lotta now feels increasingly uncomfortable. So it happens that she overcomes her defiance and returns to the circle of her family when her father shows up to kiss her goodnight and gently asks her to come home.


In 1993 the film Lotta is moving ( Lotta flyttar hemifrån ) was released in Sweden. It is the second film adaptation of Lotta's adventures. The first film adaptation of Lotta from Krachmacherstraße is based on the books The Children from Krachmacherstraße , Lotta can do almost everything and of course , Lotta can ride a bike . The script for Lotta is moving was written by Johanna Hald . Grete Havnesköld plays the main role of Lotta. In Germany, both films for the television series Lotta were cut together.
