The robber Assar Bubbla

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The robber Assar Bubbla ( Swedish Assar Bubbla ) is a story by Astrid Lindgren .


When Astrid Lindgren is on the tram one day, the robber Assar Bubblar is sitting in front of her. This hypnotizes her and steals her briefcase. He hopes that he will find jewels and bills in his pocket. But the only thing he can find in his briefcase is a shorthand pad. Something is written in shorthand on this. It says: Pippi Longstocking was the strongest girl in the world , but Assar Bubblar can't read it and gets really angry about it. He took a shorthand course. Then he thought he could read: Eisbein tastes best with strawberry compote . Since pork knuckle with sauerkraut is his favorite dish, he gets really angry. He decides to come to Astrid Lindgren and talk to her. She just got a visit from Pippi Longstocking and her horse Little Uncle. He explains that she cannot publish her book about Pippi because the manuscript is gone. Pippi says Astrid Lindgren should just lie to herself a little. However, Astrid Lindgren thinks that it is not that easy. A little later, Assar Bubblar turns up at Astrid Lindgren's house with her briefcase. He thinks Pippi is responsible for the shorthand text. When he pulls Pippi's horse Little Uncle by the tail, Pippi hurls him against the ceiling. He gets so dizzy that he lies down on the floor. He can never hypnotize again afterwards, because he gets dizzy every time he tries. When the police finally arrive, he willingly goes with them just to get away from this Pippi. Astrid Lindgren is happy to have her briefcase back so that there can be a book about Pippi.

History of origin

In the spring of 1951 Astrid Lindgren lost a folder of important manuscripts. The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet then wrote a report that the folder contained a shorthand Pippi Longstocking manuscript, which was not true. When the teacher Gerda Chambert read this, she asked her class to write a sequel. Aftonbladet in turn published three of the essays. Astrid Lindgren then wrote to the school explaining that it was actually Assar Bubbla who stole the manuscript and got very angry when he could not read the shorthand. This resulted in the book The Robber Assar Bubbla .


The book was first published in 1987 in Sweden by Rabén & Sjögren . The book was illustrated by Marika Delin . A German publication followed in 1988 by Oetinger Verlag.

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Individual evidence

  1. Assar Bubbla. .
  2. The robber Assar Bubbla or almost there would have been no book about Pippi Longstocking. .
  3. The robber Assar Bubbla. .