The sheep on Kapela

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The sheep on Kapela ( Swedish: Tu tu tu! ) Is a story by Astrid Lindgren .


Stina Maria lives on the Kapela farm. She prefers to be with her grandfather, who tells her old myths and legends. Sometimes Grandfather says the old saying, “Do, do, do. Sheep far and wide, today as always, so big is the sky ”. Then he pushes his walking stick into the ground.

One day the wolf kills all the sheep on Kapela. It's a disaster for the people on the farm.

Shortly before dinner, Stina Maria is sent to fetch grandfather's walking stick. When she has the walking stick, she says the saying her grandfather always says: “Do, do, do. Sheep far and wide, today as always, so big is the sky ”and pushes the walking stick to the earth.

Then suddenly one of the underground stands in front of her, a shadowy male. He promises to give her as many sheep as the wolf has killed, if she only promises to be quiet and never repeat the saying so loudly again. Stina Maria promises and gets the sheep. But Stina Maria does not want to let an underground woman go. She would like to keep Stina as her "light daughter". Then she strokes Stina Maria's forehead with her hand and she forgets almost everything that she has experienced on earth, her parents, the farm and her grandfather.

Later, Stina Maria stays with the shadow woman, whom she sees as her mother. She also tends the sheep. She still remembers a short text from a song that her grandfather taught her and sings the lines over and over again: "Shoo, sho, little lamb my, poor, poor little lamb little". As years have passed, she suddenly hears a loud roar, someone says, “Do, do, do. Sheep far and wide, today as always, so big is the sky ”. Stina Maria recognizes her grandfather in this someone. She remembers everything she forgot.

So she decides to go back to the courtyard. But the underground are upset about the disturbance of the peace. They believe that Stina will be as loud as her grandfather when she returns to the farm. Therefore they want to drive Stina Maria into the dark water. However, this is prevented by Stina Maria's shadow mother, who shields the other underground areas from her. Then the shadow woman Stina Maria shows the way back.

Since the time above the earth runs differently than in the realm of the underground, Stina Maria arrives only a few minutes after her disappearance at the courtyard. She presents the sheep to the grandfather. He recognizes by her eyes that she has come from the underground and takes her in his arms. When her grandfather stomps his stick firmly on the floor and wants to recite his saying, Stina Maria admonishes him to be quiet. Then she whispers the phrase in his ear.


In Sweden the story was first published in 1959 in the Sunnanäng short story collection (1960, German sounds my linden tree ). The story was later published as a single book by Novellix. This issue was illustrated by Lisa Benk .

The undergrounds are creatures from Swedish popular belief. Much later, Astrid Lindgren deals again with the underground in her novel Ronja the robber's daughter. However, Ronja never goes into their realm. She hears the underground calling for her and is prevented by her friend Birk from following the underground. The old bald robber Per even explains that whoever goes to the underground never comes back.

The grandfather character in the book is based on Lindgren's own grandfather, Samuel Johan Ericsson. He lived in the attic of Astrid Lindgren's home, Näs, and liked to give the children presents. Lindgren loved her grandfather's confidence and strength that made her the grandfather's traits in history. Just like Stina Maria, she listened to her grandfather as a child when he told her about the Swedish myths and legends. Also the old rhyme “Do, do, do. Sheep far and wide, today as always, the sky is so big ”comes from Astrid Lindgren's grandfather, who, like Stina Maria's grandfather, stuck his walking stick into the earth to the rhyme. A song with a very similar text was also sung a lot in Småland at the time.

In Sweden the story was also shown as a play.


  • Sunnanäng, (1959), Rabén & Sjögren, Swedish first publication
  • Tu tu tu (2015), Novelix, Swedish edition, illustrated by Lisa Benk

Published in Germany in

  • Sounds my linden tree, 1960, Verlag Friedrich Oetinger, Hamburg
  • The sheep on Kapela, 1967, Verlag Friedrich Oetinger, Hamburg
  • Astrid Lindgren tells, 1971, Verlag Friedrich Oetinger, Hamburg
  • Fairy tale, 1978, Friedrich Oetinger publishing house, Hamburg


Individual evidence

  1. Do do do! av Astrid Lindgren. .
  2. Så levde de olyckliga i alla sina dagar. .
  3. Undernaturligt - om att ha respekt för de underjordiska. .
  4. Do do do! av Astrid Lindgren. .
  5. Sybil Countess Schönfeldt: Astrid Lindgren , ISBN 9783644517110 , Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, 2014 limited preview in the Google book search
  6. Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer and Astrid Surmatz (2011): Beyond Pippi Longstocking: Intermedial and International Approaches of Astrid Lindgrens work , ISBN 9781136741937 , Routledge, 2011 limited preview in the Google book search
  7. TU TU TU. .