List of famous Sicilians

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The list of known Sicilians gives an overview of people who come from Sicily . The term "Sicilians" does not designate a specific ethnic group , but only serves as a designation of origin.

People who were not born in Sicily but only have Sicilian ancestors or whose work is important for Sicily can be found in the list of people with reference to Sicily or in the list of Sicilian artists .


Gelon (540–478 BC)
Empedocles (490-430 BC)
Archimedes (287–212 BC)
Charondas (7th - 6th century BC) legendary legislator in Catania
Panaitios (7th - 6th century BC) Tyrant of Leontinoi, the first known tyrant of Sicily
Stesichoros (approx. 630–556 BC) Doric lyric poet, founder of the higher, fresh style and the division of choral songs into verse , antistrophe and epode
Kleandros († approx. 500 BC) Tyrant of Gela
Hippocrates († 491 BC) Tyrant of Gela (brother of Kleandros)
Theron (approx. 535–473 BC) from the Emmeniden family, approx. 488–473 BC BC tyrant of Agrigento
Terillos (5th century BC) Ruler of Himera, 483 BC. Expelled from Theron
Gelon (540–478 BC) Tyrant of Gela and Syracuse
Hieron I. († 466 BC) Tyrant of Gela and Syracuse (brother of Gelon)
Thrasydaios (5th century BC) approx. 473–472 BC BC Tyrant of Agrigento, defeated by Hieron (son of Theron)
Polyzalus (5th century BC) Tyrant of Gela (brother of Gelon and Hieron)
Thrasybulus (5th century BC) Tyrant of Syracuse (brother of Gelon and Hieron), driven out by the people
Duketios (5th century BC) Leader of the Sikeler in an uprising against the Greeks
Hermocrates (5th century BC) Syracusan statesman and general
Corax (5th century BC) Rhetorician in Syracuse
Empedocles (approx. 490 - approx. 430 BC) Philosopher, doctor, politician, expiatory priest and poet
Gorgias (approx. 480-380 BC) Philosopher, representative of sophistry
Philistus (432–356 BC) Commander of the citadel under Dionysius I of Syracuse, wrote a history of Sicily in eleven books
Dionysius I. (approx. 430–367 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse
Dion (409–354 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse
Hiketas (400–335 BC) Philosopher and astronomer
Damocles (4th century BC) Favorite of Dionysius I or Dionysius II.
Dionysius II (approx. 396–337 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse (son of Dionysius I)
Herakleides (395–354 BC) Politicians in Syracuse
Hiketas (approx. 388–338 BC) Tyrant of Leontinoi (now Lentini)
Hipparinos (approx. 385–350 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse (son of Dionysius I)
Dikaiarchos (approx. 375 / 350–285 BC) Philosopher, cartographer and geographer
Apollocrates (approx. 375–347 BC) Governor in Syracuse (son of Dionysius II)
Agathocles (361–289 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse
Timaeus (345–250 BC) Historian, wrote a history in 38 books
Hieron II (306–215 BC) Tyrant of Syracuse
Phintias († 279 BC) 289-279 BC BC Tyrant of Akragas, the inhabitants of Gela moved to Licata
Philinos (3rd century BC) Historian, author of a historical work
Theocritus (3rd century BC) Poet, main exponent of the Greek bucolic poetry
Archimedes (approx. 287–212 BC) Mathematician, physicist, inventor
Diodorus Siculus (1st century BC) Historian, wrote a history in 40 books
Agatha (approx. 225–250) Martyr from Catania, patron saint of the city
Lucia (approx. 283–303) Martyr from Syracuse, patron saint of the city
Vitus († 304) Martyr from Mazara del Vallo, one of the fourteen helpers in need
Ninfa († 305) Patron saint of Palermo
Oliva of Palermo (5th century) Patron saint of Palermo

middle Ages

Roger II (1095-1154)
Rosalia (1130-1166)
Painting by Antonello da Messina (1430–1479)
Agatho († 681) Pope from 678, saint of the Catholic Church
Leo II († 683) Pope from 682, saint of the Catholic Church
Sergius I. († 701) Pope from 687, saint of the Catholic Church
Javar al-Siqilli († 992) Army leader of the Fatimids, founder of Cairo
Simeon of Trier (980 / 990-1035) Pilgrim guide in Jerusalem and Palestine, later hermit in Trier, saint of the Catholic Church
Simon (1093-1105) Son of Rogers I, 1101–1105 Count of Sicily
Roger ii (1095–1154) Son of Rogers I, 1105–1130 Count of Sicily, 1130–1154 King of Sicily
Ibn Zafar (1104–1170 / 72) Arabic writer and political philosopher
Roger III (1118–1149) Son of Rogers II, Duke of Apulia from 1130
Wilhelm I. (1122–1166) Son of Rogers II, 1154–1166 King of Sicily
Rosalia (1130–1166) Hermit from Palermo, patron saint of the city
Eugenius of Palermo (around 1130, after 1203) Ammiratus of the Kingdom of Sicily, writer and translator
Wilhelm II. (1153-1189) Son of Wilhelm I, 1166–1189 King of Sicily
Walter of Palermo († after 1190) Archbishop of Palermo
Constance (1154–1198) Daughter of Rogers II, wife of Emperor Heinrich VI, 1189 / 1194–1198 Queen of Sicily
Giacomo da Lentini (1210-1260) Notary at the court of Frederick II, poet, inventor of the sonnet
Heinrich (VII.) (HRR) (1211-1242) Son of Frederick II, King of Sicily 1212–1216
Albertus Siculus (1212-1307) Provincial of the Carmelites in Sicily, saint of the Catholic Church
Constance of Sicily (1249–1302) 1282–1285 Queen of Sicily
Ludwig (1337-1355) 1342–1355 King of Sicily
Giovanni Aurispa (1376-1459) Humanist and historian
Mary of Sicily (1363-1401) Daughter of Frederick III, 1377–1401 Queen of Sicily
Nicolaus de Tudeschis (1386-1445) Archbishop of Palermo, canonist
Antonio Beccadelli (1394–1471) humanist
Pietro Geremia (1399-1452) Beatified Dominican and diplomat
Stefano Giordano (15th century) Mannerist painter
Gaspare da Pesaro (1421–1464) Early Renaissance painter
Antonello da Messina (1430-1479) Early Renaissance painter, contributed significantly to the spread of oil painting in Italy
Tommaso de Vigilia (active 1444–1497) Early Renaissance painter
Riccardo Quartararo (1443–1506) Early Renaissance painter
Salvo d'Antonio (after 1461 – before 1526) Early Renaissance painter
Alfonso Franco (1466–1523) Early Renaissance painters, major works in Messina
Antonello de Saliba (around 1466 / 67–1535) Early Renaissance painter (nephew of Antonello da Messina)
Girolamo Alibrandi (1470-1524) Renaissance painter, pupil of Leonardo da Vinci
Pietro Ruzzolone (active 1484–1522) Renaissance painter
Antonello Crescenzio (1476–1542) Renaissance painter
Antonello Gagini (1478-1536) Renaissance sculptor, mainly created church sculptures
Jacopo d'Antonello (1479–1508) Renaissance painter
Polidoro da Caravaggio (1492-1543) Mannerist painter
Antonio Giuffrè (1493-1543) Renaissance painter, pupil of Antonello da Messina
Francesco Maurolico (1494-1575) Abbot, mathematician and astronomer
Pietro de Saliba (before 1497-1530) Renaissance painter, also called Pietro da Messina (brother of Antonello de Saliba)

16th Century

Painting by Mario Minniti (1577-1640)
Giovannello da Itala (16th Century) Renaissance painter in Messina
Niccolò Spalletta (16th Century) Dominican priest and painter
Giuseppe Spatafora (16th Century) Sculptor and architect, major works in Palermo
Jacopo Vigneri (16th Century) Renaissance painter in Messina
Mariano Riccio (1510–1593) Renaissance painters, major works in Messina
Deodato Guinaccia (1510–1585) Renaissance painter
Giacomo Gaggini (1517–1598) Renaissance sculptor
Vincenzo degli Azani (active 1519–1557) Renaissance painter
Giacomo del Duca (1520-1604) Renaissance architect and sculptor, student of Michelangelo, city architect in Messina
Fazio Gaggini (around 1520–1567) Renaissance sculptor
Antonio Ferraro (1523-1609) Mannerist painter, sculptor and plasterer
Benedict the Mohr (1526–1589) Capuchin, saint
Vincenzo Gaggini (1527–1595) Renaissance sculptor, major works in Palermo
Paolo Boi (1528–1598) Chess master
Rinaldo Bonanno (1530–1600) Renaissance sculptor, major works in Messina
Francesco II Gonzaga (1538–1566) Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Giovanni Vincenzo Gonzaga (1540–1591) Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Antonio Veneziano (1543–1593) Poets, works in the Sicilian language
Giuseppe d'Alvino (1550-1611) Mannerist painter
Vincenzo Gallo (1550-1607) Kapellmeister, composer of church music
Antonio Spatafora (around 1550–1613) Mannerist painter, architect and cartographer
Vito Carrera (1555-1623) Mannerist painter
Antonio Catalano (1560-1630) Renaissance painter
Orazio Ferraro (1561-1643) Baroque painter and plasterer
Mariano Smiriglio (1561-1636) Architect and painter between mannerism and baroque
Niccolò Longobardi (1565–1655) Jesuit and missionary to China
Lekë Matrënga (1567-1619) Greek Catholic clergyman
Natale Masuccio (1568-1619) Baroque architect
Pietro Antonio Novelli (1568-1625) Late Renaissance painter and mosaicist
Zoppo di Gangi (1570-1620) Late Mannerist painter
Luigi Rodriguez (after 1570–1609) Mannerist painter
Pietro Carrera (1573-1647) Chess player
Mario Minniti (1577-1640) Baroque painter
Vincenzo La Barbera (around 1577 – around 1647) Mannerist painter and architect
Alonso Rodriguez (1578-1648) Baroque painter
Pietro D'Asaro (1579-1647) Mannerist painter
Giovanni Simone Comandè (1580–1634) Renaissance painters, major works in Messina
Umile da Petralia (1580 / 1600–1639) Wooden crucifix sculptor
Sigismondo d'India (1582–1629) Composer, pioneer of baroque music in Italy
Andrea Carrera (1590–1677) Baroque painter
Placido Saltamacchia (doc. 1595–1616) History and portrait painter
Giovanni Battista Hodierna (1597-1660) astronomer

17th century

Bernardo da Corleone (1605–1667)
Innocenzo da Petralia (active 1st half 17th century) Picture carver of crucifixes
Giovanni Gallina (17th century) Baroque sculptor
Li Volsi (17th century) Artist family, mainly active as a baroque sculptor
Giacomo Lo Verde (17th century) Baroque painter
Antonio Barbalonga (1600–1649) Baroque painter, major works in Messina
Pietro Novelli (1603-1647) Baroque painter, mainly depicting religious motifs
Giovanni Battista Quagliata (1603–1673) Baroque painter and architect
Bernardo da Corleone (1605–1667) Capuchin, saint
Giovanni Fulco (1605-1680) Baroque painter
Andrea Cirrincione (1607–1683) Baroque architect and Dominican
Domenico Guargena (1610–1663) Baroque painter
Filippo Planzone (1610-1636) Sculptor and ivory carver
Gaspare Guercio (1611–1679) Baroque architect and sculptor in Palermo
Domenico Maroli (1612–1676) Baroque painter
Giacinto Platania (1612-1691) Baroque painter
Onofrio Gabrielli (1619–1706) Baroque painter
Michele Blasco (1628–1685) Baroque painter and architect
Angelo Italia (1628–1700) Baroque architect and Jesuit
Rosalia Novelli (1628 - ????) Baroque painter
Andrea Suppa (1628–1671) Baroque painter, major works in Messina
Agostino Scilla (1629-1700) Baroque painter, paleontologist, numismatist and geologist
Pietro Aquila (around 1630–1692) Classicist painter
Bartolomeo Tricomi (around 1630–1709) Baroque painter
Paolo Boccone (1633-1704) Doctor and botanist
Paolo Amato (1634-1714) Baroque architect
Filippo Giannetto (1640–1702) Baroque painter
Giacomo Amato (1643-1732) Baroque architect in Palermo
Giovanni Travaglia (1643–1687) Baroque architect and sculptor in Palermo
Andrea Palma (1644 / 64–1730) Baroque architect, major works in Syracuse
Giacinto Calandrucci (1646–1707) Baroque painter, major works in Rome and Palermo
Michelangelo Fardella (1650-1760) Researcher and scholar
Giovanni Antonio Matera (1653-1718) Baroque sculptor
Giuseppe Serpotta (1653-1719) Baroque sculptor and plasterer
Filippo Tancredi (1655-1722) Baroque painter
Giacomo Serpotta (1656-1732) Baroque sculptor and plasterer
Francesco Cupani (1657-1719) Doctor, theologian and botanist
Tommaso Maria Napoli (1659-1725) Architect, mathematician and Dominican
Francesco Antonio Pistocchi (1659-1726) Composer and librettist
Antonio Grano (1660-1718) Baroque painter, major works in Palermo
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) Composer of operas and cantatas
Giovanni Tuccari (1667–1743) Baroque painter, representative of the Sicilian Baroque
Nicola van Houbraken (1668-1720) Baroque painter, major works in Messina
Antonio Filocamo (1669–1743) Baroque painters, major works in Messina
Gioacchino Vitagliano (1669–1739) Late Baroque sculptor
Guglielmo Borremans (1672-1724) Late baroque painter
Filippo Juvarra (1678–1736) Baroque architect, builder of the House of Savoy
Procopio Serpotta (1679–1756) Late baroque sculptor and plasterer
Emanuele d'Astorga (1680–1757) Nobleman and composer
Giuseppe Mariani (1681–1731) Baroque architect
Giovanni Biagio Amico (1684–1754) Baroque architect in western Sicily and Palermo
Francesco Ferrigno (1686–1766) Baroque architect in Palermo of the Baroque,
Paolo Filocamo (1688–1743) Baroque painters, major works in Messina
Vincenzo Natoli (1690–1770) Richter, involved in the construction and urban development of Palermo
Olivio Sozzi (1690–1765) Painter of panels and frescoes
Litterio Paladini (1691–1743) Baroque painter and engraver
Filippo Randazzo (1692–1744) Classicist painter
Gaspare Serenario (1694–1759) Baroque painter, major works in Palermo
Nicolò Palma (1694–1779) Classicist architect, major works in Palermo
Pietro Paolo Vasta (1697-1760) Baroque painter, representative of the Sicilian Baroque
Rosario Gagliardi (1698–1762) Baroque architect, city architect in Noto

18th century

Fedele Tirrito (1717–1801)
Ignazio Buceti (18th century) Baroque sculptor
Paolo Filocamo (18th century) Sculptor and plasterer in Palermo
Gaspare Firriolo (18th century) Classicist sculptor
Cristoforo Milanti (18th century) Baroque sculptor and plasterer
Gaetano Lazzara (active 1700–1731) Baroque architect and Dominican
Francesco Battaglia (1701–1788) Late baroque architect
Giovanni Battista Vaccarini (1702–1768) Baroque architect, city builder and major works in Catania
Pietro Martorana (1705–1759) Classicist late baroque painter
Giuseppe Tresca (1710–1795) Baroque painter
Giuseppe Vasi (1710–1782) Graphic artist and vedute engraver, work on Roman monuments in ten books
Giuseppe Crestadoro (around 1711–1808) Late baroque painter
Felix of Nicosia (1715–1787) Capuchins and saints
Fedele Tirrito (1717–1801) Baroque painter
Vito D'Anna (1718–1769) Rococo painter, major works in Palermo
Ignazio Marabitti (1719–1797) Sculptor, major works in Palermo
Francesco Paolo Labisi (1720–1798) Baroque architect
Vincenzo Sinatra (1720–1765) Baroque architect, major works in Noto and Ispica
Giuseppe Paladini (1721–1794) Baroque painter
Giovan Battista Cascione (1729–1790) Neoclassic architect
Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia (1729-1814) Neoclassic architect
Benedetto De Lisi (1830-1875) sculptor
Sebastiano Lo Monaco (1730-1775) Late baroque painter
Gaetano Mercurio (1730–1790) Baroque painter
Andrea Gigante (1731–1787) Late baroque and neoclassic architect
Mariano Rossi (1731–1807) Classicist painter
Francesco Sozzi (1732–1795) Late baroque painter
Alberto Tipa (1732–1783) Sculptor and crib maker in Trapani
Gaspare Fumagalli (1735–1785) Roman painter in Palermo
Gioacchino Martorana (1735–1779) Classicist painter
Filippo Quattrocchi (1738-1813) Late Baroque sculptor
Antonio Manno (1739-1810) Classicist painter
Giovanni Meli (1740-1815) Writer, doctor and scientist
Nicola Spedalieri (1740–1795) Philosopher, priest and author
Alessandro Cagliostro (1743–1795) Alchemist and impostor
Elia Interguglielmi (1746-1835) Late baroque and neoclassic painters, major works in Palermo
Giuseppe Velasco (1750-1827) Painter, representative of neoclassicism
Matteo Desiderato (1752-1827) Classicist painter
Francesco Manno (1754-1831) Classicist painter
Francesco Guadagnino (1755-1829) Classicist painter
Girolamo Bagnasco (1759-1832) Late Baroque sculptor
Giuseppe Errante (1760-1821) Classicist painter
Giacomo Minutoli (1765-1827) Architect of Classicism
Lucia Migliaccio (1770-1826) Wife of Ferdinand III, King of Sicily
Vincenzo Riolo (1772-1837) Classicist painter in Palermo
Domenico Lo Faso Pietrasanta (1773–1863) Duke of Serradifalco, archaeologist, work on the ancient sites of Sicily in five books
Valerio Villareale (1773-1854) Italian sculptor, one of the most important exponents of neoclassicism
Niccolò Palmeri (1778-1837) Economist, historian and politician
Ruggero Settimo (1778–1863) Prince of Fitalia, statesman, President of Sicily 1848/1849
Giuseppe Patania (1780-1852) Classicist painter in Palermo
Raffaello Politi (1783-1865) Painter and archaeologist
Giuseppe Zacco (1786-1834) Painter of altarpieces
Letterio Subba (1787–1868) Architect, sculptor and painter
Giovanni Patricolo (1789–1861) Classicist painter in Palermo
Giuseppe Gandolfo (1792–1855) painter
Giuseppe Vaccaro (1793–1866) Painter, sculptor and restorer
Francesco Zerilli (around 1794–1837) Classicist painter
Giovanni Pacini (1796–1867) Composer of operas, oratorios and cantatas
Vincenzo Florio (1799–1868) Entrepreneurs and politicians
Luigi Natoli (1799-1875) Bishop of Caltagirone and Archbishop of Messina
Giuseppe Rapisardi (1799-1853) Neoclassicist painter

19th century


Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835)
Giovanni Verga (1840-1922)
Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) Composer of operas, representative of romanticism
Michele Amari (1806-1889) Historical researcher and orientalist
Nunzio Morello (1806–1878) sculptor
Michele Panebianco (1806–1873) Classicist painter
Giuseppe Vaccaro (sculptor, 1808) (1808-1889) Sculptor and terracotta artist
Francesco Saverio Cavallari (1809-1896) Architect, painter and archaeologist
Tommaso Aloisio Juvara (1809-1875) Draftsman and engraver
Salvatore Lo Forte (1809-1885) Classicist painter
Paolo Emiliani Giudici (1812-1872) Literary historian and literary scholar
Giacomo Conti (painter) (1813–1888) painter
Pietro Michelangelo Celesia (1814–1904) Cardinal and Archbishop of Palermo
Giuseppe La Farina (1815–1863) Writers and politicians
Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet (1818-1894) Archbishop of Catania
Francesco Crispi (1819–1901) Statesman and colonial politician
Rosolino Pilo (1820-1860) patriot
Saro Zagari (1821-1897) Architect and sculptor of neoclassicism
Salvatore Cusa (1822-1893) Arabist, diplomat, politician
Michele Rapisardi (1822-1886) painter
Isidoro La Lumia (1823-1879) Politicians and Historians, Works on the History of Sicily
Giuseppe Prinzi (1825–1895) sculptor
Stanislao Cannizzaro (1826-1910) Chemist, professor at the University of Palermo
Pietro Platania (1828–1907) Composer and music teacher
Pasquale Sarullo (1828-1893) Franciscan priest and painter
Giuseppe Incorpora (1834-1914) photographer
Emanuele Notarbartolo (1834-1893) Marchese, opponents of the Mafia and victims of the Mafia
Salvatore Valenti (1835–1903) sculptor
Francesco Lojacono (1838-1915) Landscape painter
Luigi Capuana (1839-1915) Writer, representative of verism, lecturer at the University of Catania
Antonio Starrabba (1839–1908) Mayor and Prefect of Palermo, Foreign Minister and Prime Minister
Domenico Costantino (1840-1915) sculptor
Roberto Stagno (1840-1897) Opera tenor
Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) Writer, representative of verism
Antonino Gandolfo (1841-1910) painter
Antonino Salinas (1841-1914) Archaeologist and numismatist, director of the Archaeological Museum in Palermo
Laura Gonzenbach (1842–1878) Author, collection of Sicilian folk tales
Antonio Pasculli (1842-1924) Oboe virtuoso, compositions for wind instruments
Corrado Avolio (1843–1905) Romance studies and dialectologist
Isidoro Carini (1843–1895) Historian and paleographer
Antonino Leto (1844–1913) Impressionist painter
Mario Rapisardi (1844–1912) poet
Benedetto Civiletti (1845-1899) Sculptor, representative of realism
Giuseppe Francica-Nava de Bontifè (1846–1928) Archbishop of Catania
Giacomo Natoli (1846-1896) Politician, Mayor of Messina
Antonio Scontrino (1850-1922) Composer of operas, representative of romanticism
Joseph Whitaker (1850-1936) Ornithologist, archaeologist and sportsman


Ernesto Basile (1857-1932)
Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)
Annibale Maria Di Francia (1851-1927) Priests, religious founders and saints
Antonino Borzì (1852-1921) Botanist, university professor in Palermo and Messina
Giuseppe Vadalà-Papale (1854 – after 1906) Lawyer and legal philosopher
Sebastiano Nicotra (1855-1929) Archbishop and Vatican diplomat
Ettore Ximenes (1855-1926) Sculptor, mainly religious and mythological motifs
Sebastiano Guzzone (1856-1890) Portrait painter
Giuseppe Oddo (1856–1954) Chemist
Ernesto Basile (1857-1932) Art Nouveau architect, major works in Palermo
Enrico Cavallaro (1858–1895) painter
Rocco Lentini (1858–1943) painter
Pierantonio Tasca (1858–1934) composer
Giuseppe de Felice Giuffrida (1859-1920) Politician and journalist
Antonio Ruggeri (1859-1915) Vine grower
Mario Rutelli (1859-1941) Sculptor and bronze caster
Domenico Trentacoste (1859–1933) Sculptor and medalist
Giovanni Alfredo Cesareo (1860–1937) Writer and romanist
Francesco Paolo Frontini (1860-1939) composer
Giovan Pietro Grimaldi (1860-1918) Physicists and academics
Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (1860–1952) Politician, Italian Prime Minister
Michele Tripisciano (1860-1913) sculptor
Vito Cascio Ferro (1862–1943) Mafia boss in the United States
Clemente Grimaldi (1862-1915) Agronomist, botanist and politician
Pietro Gori (1865-1911) Anarchist and poet
Giulio Emanuele Rizzo (1865–1950) classical archaeologist
Nicholas Morello (1866-1916) Mafioso in the United States
Nino Basile (1866–1937) historian
Alessandro Abate (1867–1952) painter
Gennaro Pardo (1867–1927) painter
Luigi Pirandello (1867–1936) Writer, Nobel Prize Winner in Literature
Carlo Alberto Garufi (1868–1948) Diplomat and paleographer
Salvatore Maranzano (1868–1931) Mafia boss in the United States
Mario Sammarco (1868–1930) opera singer
Enrico Mauceri (1869–1966) Art historian, museum director
Alfredo Salafia (1869–1933) Chemist, specialist in embalming
Nino Martoglio (1870-1921) Writer, publisher, director and producer
Peter Morello (1870–1930) Mafioso in the United States
Angelo Paino (1870–1967) Archbishop of Messina
Antonio Ugo (1870–1950) Sculptor and medalist
Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959) Priests, politicians
Pasquale Calapso (1872–1934) Mathematician, university professor in Messina
Vincenzo Lapuma (1874–1943) Curia Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
Francesco Cantelli (1875–1966) mathematician
Francesco Ciuppa (1875 - unknown) Automobile racer
Michele De Franchis (1875-1946) mathematician
Giovanni Gentile (1875–1944) Philosopher, cultural manager and politician
Filippo Cortesi (1876–1947) Archbishop and Vatican diplomat
Giuseppe Paratore (1877–1967) Politician
Ignazio Saietta (1877-1947) Mafia boss in the United States
Salvatore D'Aquila (1878–1928) Mafia boss in the United States
Joe Masseria (1879–1931) Mafia boss in the United States
Michele Cipolla (1880-1947) mathematician
Giuseppe Antonio Borgese (1882–1952) Historian, literature professor and writer
Giovanni Lentini (1882–1955) painter
Manfredi Gravina (1883–1932) Naval officer and diplomat
Albert Anselmi (1884–1929) Mafioso in the United States
Joseph Ardizzone (1884–1931) Member of the mafia
Gaetano Gagliano (1884–1951) Mafioso in the United States
Vincenzo Lojacono (1885–1954) diplomat
Mauro Picone (1885–1977) mathematician
Vincent Terranova (1887–1922) Mafioso in the United States (brother of Ciro Terranova)
Luciano Maugeri (1888-1958) Politician, former mayor of Palermo
Giovanni Sansone (1888–1979) mathematician
Ciro Terranova (1889–1938) Mafioso in the United States (brother of Vincent Terranova)
Giuseppe Aiello (1891–1930) Mafioso in the United States, President of the Unione Siciliana
Jack Dragna (1891-1956) Mafioso in Sicily and the United States
Francesco Scalice (1893–1957) Mafioso in the United States
Ugo Giachery (1896–1989) Member of the Baha'i religion, translator of Baha'i scripts into Italian
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896–1957) Writer and literary scholar, author of "The Leopard"
Lucky Luciano (1896–1962) Mafioso in the United States
Frank Capra (1897-1991) Film director in the United States
Francesco Pennisi (1898–1974) Bishop of Ragusa
Ignazio Buttitta (1899–1997) Poet, winner of the Premio Viareggio
Biagio Pace (1889–1955) Archaeologist, lecturer at the University of Palermo
Stefano "Steve" Ferrigno (1900–1930) Mafioso in the United States
Gaetano Martino (1900–1967) Rector of Messina University, politician and foreign minister
Giuseppe De Primo (19th - 20th century) Mafioso in the United States
John Scalise (1900–1929) Mafioso in the United States

20th century


Statue of Leonardo Sciascias (1921–1989)
Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019)
Filippo Anfuso (1901–1963) Diplomat and politician
Renato Calapso (1901–1976) Mathematician, university professor in Messina
Salvatore Quasimodo (1901–1968) Poet and theater critic, Nobel Prize winner for literature
Alois Ricceri (1901-1989) Italian Salesian Father, 1965–1977 Superior General
Mario Scelba (1901-1991) Politician, Prime Minister of Italy
Umberto Barbaro (1902-1959) Film theorist and critic, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker
Carlo Gambino (1902–1976) Mafia boss in the United States
Lauro Chiazzese (1903–1957) Lawyer and university professor
Ugo La Malfa (1903–1979) Politician
Joseph Maria Pernicone (1903–1985) Auxiliary bishop
Giuseppe Alessi (1905-2009) Politician
Joseph Bonanno (1905-2002) Mafia boss in the United States
Francesco Carpino (1905-1993) Archbishop of Palermo, Cardinal to the Curia
Michele Navarre (1905-1958) Doctor and Mafia boss in Sicily
Ettore Majorana (1906–?) Physicist, missing in 1938
Salvo Randone (1906-1991) Theater and film actor
Paolo Enrico Arias (1907-1998) archaeologist
Vitaliano Brancati (1907-1954) Writers, novels and short stories
Giuseppe Perniciaro (1908-1981) Bishop of the Piana degli Albanesi eparchy
Nino Pirrotta (1908-1998) Musicologist
Elio Vittorini (1908–1966) Writer, publicist and translator, representative of literary neorealism
Franco Ferrara (1911–1985) conductor
Renato Guttuso (1911-1987) Painter, representative of realism
Giuseppe La Loggia (1911-1994) Politician, former President of Sicily
Franco Restivo (1911-1976) Lawyer and politician
Cesare Sanfilippo (1911-2000) Legal scholar and legal historian
Antonino Lombardo (1912–1985) Archivist and historian
Gino Buzzanca (1912–1985) Theater and film actor
Carmello Cappello (1912–1996) Modernist sculptor
Luigi Di Bella (1912-2003) Italian doctor and physiologist
Paolo Collura (1914–1997) Italian paleographer and diplomat
Placido Rizzotto (1914-1948) Union leaders, active in the fight against the Mafia
Pete Rugolo (1915-2011) American jazz composer
Natalia Ginzburg (1916–1991) Author of 20th century Italian literature
Arturo Dominici (1916–1992) Film and theater actor
Salvatore Cardinal Pappalardo (1918-2006) Archbishop of Palermo
Giovanni Rinaldo Coronas (1919-2008) Italian politician
Sebastiano Lo Nigro (1919–1984) Folklorist, lecturer at the University of Catania
Calogero Lauricella (1919-1989) Archbishop of Syracuse
Stefano D'Arrigo (1919–1992) Writer, wrote mostly novels
Francesco Alliata (1919-2015) Film producer and documentary director
Gesualdo Bufalino (1920–1996) Writer, wrote short stories, novels and poems
Antonino Caponnetto (1920–2002) Judges and politicians, active in the fight against the Mafia
Pietro Consagra (1920-2005) Sculptor, representative of abstract art
Mario Landi (1920–1992) Director
Michele Sindona (1920–1986) Lawyer and banker
Vincenzo Tusa (1920–2009) archaeologist
Ignazio Cannavò (1921-2015) Archbishop of Messina
Salvatore Cassisa (1921-2015) Archbishop of Monreale
Giuseppe Catalfamo (1921-1989) Professor of Education at the University of Messina
Giuseppe Di Stefano (1921-2008) Opera singer (tenor)
Marco Petta (1921-2007) Roman Catholic religious
Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989) Writers and politicians
Cesare Terranova (1921–1979) Investigating judge, was shot by the mafia
Pino Cerami (1922-2014) Cyclist
Tano Cimarosa (1922-2008) Actor and film director
Gaetano Fichera (1922–1996) mathematician
Salvatore Giuliano (1922–1950) Bandit and folk hero
Salvatore La Barbera (1922–1963) Member of the mafia
Salvatore Lauricella (1922–1996) Politician
Salvatore Nicolosi (1922-2014) Bishop of Noto
Turi Vasile (1922-2009) Film producer and screenwriter
Gaetano Badalamenti (1923-2004) Mafia boss in Sicily
Vittorio De Seta (1923-2011) Film director, made documentaries about Sicily
Ciccio Ingrassia (1923-2003) Actor and comedian, member of the Franco & Ciccio duo
Antonio Pucci (1923-2009) Racing car driver
Giuseppe Bonaviri (1924-2009) Writer and cardiologist
Francesco Giunta (1924-1994) Medieval historian
Libero Grassi (1924–1991) Entrepreneur, active in the fight against the Mafia
Angelo La Barbera (1924–1975) Member of the mafia
Rosario Mazzola (1924-2018) Bishop of Cefalù
Paulino Reale Chirina (1924–2012) Bishop in Argentina
Giuseppe Calderone (1925–1978) Mafia boss in Sicily
Andrea Camilleri (1925-2019) Screenwriter, director and writer, internationally known for crime novels
Rocco Chinnici (1925-1983) Public prosecutor and investigating judge
Giuseppe Fava (1925-1984) Writer and playwright
Mario Francese (1925–1979) Journalist and opponent of the Mafia
Luciano Liggio (1925–1993) Mafia boss in Sicily


Rita Borsellino (1945-2018)
Leoluca Orlando (* 1947)
Luigi Bommarito (1926-2019) Archbishop of Catania
Emanuele Catarinicchia (* 1926) Bishop of Mazara del Vallo
Angelo Rizzo (1926-2009) Bishop of Ragusa
Domenico Amoroso (1927–1997) Religious priest and bishop
Rosa Balistreri (1927–1990) Singer of Sicilian folk songs
Pio La Torre (1927-1982) Politicians and opponents of the Mafia
Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000) Mafioso, most important key witness of the mafia trials
Franco Franchi (1928–1992) Actor and comedian, member of the Franco & Ciccio duo
Salvatore Lima (1928–1992) Politician, Mayor of Palermo
Roberto Pregadio (1928-2010) Film composer, musician and conductor
Antonino Zichichi (* 1929) physicist
Cesare Barbetti (1930-2006) Actor and voice actor
Giorgio Boris Giuliano (1930–1979) senior police officer and mafia victim
Salvatore Riina (1930-2017) Mafia boss in Sicily
Giuseppe Calò (* 1931) Mafioso in Sicily
Giuseppe Malandrino (* 1931) Bishop of Noto
Guido Messina (1931-2020) Cyclist
Carmelo Ferraro (* 1932) Archbishop of Agrigento
Gaetano Starrabba (* 1932) Racing car driver
Vincenzo Consolo (1933–2012) Writer, written novels, poems and travelogues
Bernardo Provenzano (1933-2016) Mafia boss in Sicily
Giuseppe Costanzo (* 1933) Archbishop of Syracuse
Nino Vaccarella (* 1933) Sports car and Formula 1 drivers
Francesco Pennisi (1934-2000) Composer, incidental music, works for orchestra and solo instruments
Giovanni Pettinato (1934-2011) Ancient orientalist
Francesco Sgalambro (1934-2016) Bishop of Cefalù
Benedetto Spera (* 1934) Mafioso in Sicily
Letizia Battaglia (* 1935) Photojournalist, active in the fight against the Mafia
Lando Buzzanca (* 1935) Film actor
Antonio Calderone (1935-2013) Mafioso in Sicily
Piersanti Mattarella (1935–1980) Politician, active in the fight against the Mafia
Claudio Undari (1935-2008) Film actor
Pio Vittorio Vigo (* 1935) Bishop of Acireale
Giuseppe Vita (* 1935) Manager, former CEO of Schering AG
Salvatore Di Cristina (* 1937) Archbishop of Monreale
Sotìr Ferrara (1937-2017) Bishop of Piana degli Albanesi
Vittorio Luigi Mondello (* 1937) Archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova
Giuseppe Puglisi (1937-1993) Priest, anti-Mafia activist and Mafia victim
Daniela Rocca (1937-1995) Film actress
Paolo Romeo (* 1938) Archbishop of Palermo
Nitto Santapaola (* 1938) Mafioso in Sicily
Stefano Bontade (1938–1981) Mafia boss in Sicily
Mariano Agate (1939-2013) Mafioso in Sicily
Giovanni Falcone (1939–1992) Lawyer, active in the fight against the Mafia
Paolo Borsellino (1940–1992) Judge, active in the fight against the Mafia (brother of Rita Borsellino)
Paolo Urso (* 1940) Bishop of Ragusa
Gaspare Mutolo (* 1940) Sicilian mafioso
Giuseppe Insalaco (1941–1988) Politician, active in the fight against the Mafia
Sergio Mattarella (* 1941) Lawyer, politician and 12th President of Italy
Franco Scoglio (1941-2005) coach
Stefano Zappalà (1941-2018) Politician and Member of the European Parliament
Umberto Balsamo (* 1942) song writer
Salvatore Lo Piccolo (* 1942) imprisoned leader of the Cosa Nostra
Aurelio Malfa (1942-2004) Theater and film actor
Vincenzo Manzella (* 1942) Former Bishop of Cefalù
Antonio Martino (* 1942) Lawyer, professor of economics, politician
Ignazio Zambito (* 1942) Bishop of Patti
Salvatore Adamo (* 1943) Singers, chansons and hits
Vito Bonsignore (* 1943) Politician
Giuseppe Leanza (* 1943) Roman Catholic priest
Francesco Miccichè (* 1943) Bishop of Trapani
Antonio Sabàto (Sr.) (* 1943) Film actor
Salvatore Inzerillo (1944-1981) Mafioso in Sicily
Salvo Andò (* 1945) Legal scholar, politician, professor at the University of Enna
Franco Battiato (* 1945) Songwriter, painter and director
Rita Borsellino (1945-2018) Politician, active in the fight against the Mafia (sister of Paolo Borsellino)
Pietro Grasso (* 1945) Lawyer and politician, active in the fight against the Mafia
Salvatore Pappalardo (* 1945) Bishop of Nicosia
Michele Parrinello (* 1945) physicist
Salvatore Paruzzo (* 1945) Bishop of Ourinhos
Gianni Bella (* 1946) Singer and songwriter (brother of Marcella Bella)
Giuseppe Furino (* 1946) former soccer player, midfielder
Salvatore Gristina (* 1946) Archbishop of Catania
Antonino Migliore (* 1946) bishop
Francesco Montenegro (* 1946) Auxiliary Bishop of Messina
Salvatore Muratore (* 1946) Bishop of Nicosia
Michele Pennisi (* 1946) Bishop of Piazza Armerina
Antonio Santacroce (* 1946) Painter, graphic artist and sculptor
Concetto Franco Diogene (1947-2005) actor
Ignazio La Russa (* 1947) Politician
Salvo (1947-2015) Painter, photographer and concept artist
Domenico Mogavero (* 1947) Bishop of Mazara del Vallo
Leoluca Orlando (* 1947) Mayor of Palermo, active in the fight against the Mafia
Salvatore Sciarrino (* 1947) Composer known for his musical theater works
Pietro Anastasi (1948-2020) Soccer player
Angelo Marcello Anile (1948-2007) Physicist and mathematician
Antonino Cassarà (1948–1985) Commissioner, active in the fight against the Mafia
Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro (* 1948) bishop
Giuseppe Impastato (1948–1978) Politician, active in the fight against the Mafia
Lorenzo Maria Bottari (* 1949) Painter and graphic artist
Michele Giuttari (* 1950) Policeman and writer
Raffaele Lombardo (* 1950) Politician, President of Sicily since 2008
Renato Schifani (* 1950) Politician


Pippo Pollina (born 1963)
Luigi Lo Cascio (* 1967)
Carmen Consoli (* 1974)
Enzo Bianco (* 1951) Politician and mayor
Rosario Crocetta (* 1951) Mayor of Gela, active in the fight against the Mafia
Giuseppe Marciante (* 1951) Bishop of Cefalù
Cataldo Naro (1951-2006) Archbishop of Monreale
Marcella Bella (* 1952) Singer (sister of Gianni Bella)
Calogero La Piana (* 1952) Archbishop of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela
Roberto Scarpinato (* 1952) Prosecutor, active in the fight against the mafia
Frank Sivero (* 1952) Film actor
Bino (1953-2010) Singer and songwriter
Mariano Crociata (* 1953) Bishop of Noto
Alfio Giuffrida (* 1953) Sculptor and painter
Nunzio La Fauci (* 1953) linguist
Calogero Peri (* 1953) Bishop of Caltagirone
Vito Rallo (* 1953) Archbishop and Vatican diplomat
Stelio Mangiameli (* 1954) Legal scholar
Anna Finocchiaro (* 1955) Politician and senator
Rossella Giglio (* 1955) Archaeologist
Sebastiano Musumeci (* 1955) Politician, Member of the European Parliament
Pietro Bartolo (* 1956) Doctor and coordinator of medical aid measures for refugees in Lampedusa
Giuseppe Tornatore (* 1956) Film director, Oscar winner
Lucia Aliberti (* 1957) Opera singer
Giovanni Brusca (* 1957) Sicilian mafioso
Francesco Calogero (* 1957) Film director and screenwriter
Donatella Maiorca (* 1957) Film director
Franco Merli (* 1957) Film actor
Mario Russotto (* 1957) Bishop of Caltanissetta
Claudio Fava (* 1957) Politicians and opponents of the Mafia
Aldo Baglio (* 1958) Comedian, director and filmmaker
Domenico Dolce (* 1958) Fashion designer, co-founder of the Dolce & Gabbana fashion company
Giovanni Lavaggi (* 1958) Car racing driver and racing car designer
Alfredo Ormando (1958-1998) Theologian and writer
Etta Scollo (* 1958) Singer, jazz and Sicilian folk songs
Francesco Tornabene (* 1958) Radio journalist and author
Roberto Alajmo (* 1959) Journalist and author
Rosario Gisana (* 1959) bishop
Antonio Ingroia (* 1959) Prosecutor and politician
Giuseppe Lucchese (* 1959) Sicilian mafioso
Ettore Messina (* 1959) Basketball coach
Antonello Antinoro (* 1960) Specialist and politician
Rosario Fiorello (* 1960) Film actor and entertainer
Pietro Scalia (* 1960) Film editor, Oscar winner
Sebi Tramontana (* 1960) Jazz trombonist
Gaetano Trovato (* 1960) multiple award-winning chef
Luigi Brogna (1961-2008) Writer, wrote German-language novels
Gianni Gebbia (* 1961) Jazz saxophonist and clarinetist
Giuseppina Maria Nicolini (* 1961) Mayoress of the municipality of Lampedusa e Linosa
Salvatore Antibo (* 1962) Track and field athlete, long distance runner
Salvatore Bonafede (* 1962) Jazz pianist
Ninni Bruschetta (* 1962) Film actor, director and screenwriter
Carmelo Cuttitta (* 1962) Auxiliary Bishop of Palermo
Matteo Messina Denaro (* 1962) Mafia boss in Sicily
Anna Kanakis (* 1962) Film actress
Corrado Lorefice (* 1962) Archbishop of Palermo
Nicolò Napoli (* 1962) Soccer player and soccer coach
Michelangelo Rampulla (* 1962) Soccer goalkeeper
Giovanni Sollima (* 1962) Cellist and composer
Fabio Stassi (* 1962) writer
Manuel Zurria (* 1962) flutist
Salvatore Iacolino (* 1963) Politician, Member of the European Parliament
Giovanni La Via (* 1963) Politician, Member of the European Parliament
Roberto Mistretta (* 1963) Children's book, screenplay and crime writer
Pippo Pollina (* 1963) Singers, songwriters and musicians
Enrico Lo Verso (* 1964) Film actor
Salvatore Schillaci (* 1964) Soccer player, winner of the Golden Shoe at the 1990 World Cup
Nino Vetri (* 1964) Musician and writer
Giovanni Mazzarino (* 1965) Jazz pianist and band leader
Vincenzo Ortoleva (* 1965) Classical philologist
Vincenzo Amato (* 1966) Sculptor and actor
Alessandro Bazan (* 1966) painter
Stefania Prestigiacomo (* 1966) politician
Emma Dante (* 1967) Author and theater director
Luigi Lo Cascio (* 1967) Theater and film actor
Fabio Romano (* 1967) Pianist and university lecturer
Gerardina Trovato (* 1967) Singer, songwriter
Roberto Boscaglia (* 1968) coach
Lara Cardella (* 1969) Novelist
Maria Grazia Cucinotta (* 1969) Film actress and model
Giuseppe Fiorello (* 1969) Film actor
Giorgio Occhipinti (* 1969) Jazz composer and band leader
Fabrizio Puglisi (* 1969) Jazz bassist
Annarita Sidoti (* 1969) Athlete, walker
Giuseppe D'Urso (* 1969) Track and field athlete, middle distance runner
Angelino Alfano (* 1970) Politician
Antonino Asta (* 1970) Soccer player and coach
Sonia Alfano (* 1971) Politician, active in the fight against the Mafia, Member of the European Parliament
Mario Biondi (* 1971) Singer, soul and rhythm and blues
Giusto Catania (* 1971) Politician, PhD from the University of Palermo
Germana Fabiano (* 1971) Writer
Vincenzo Modica (* 1971) Long distance runner
Rosa Barba (* 1972) Filmmaker and media artist
Pierfrancesco Diliberto (* 1972) TV presenter, director, screenwriter and actor
Giovanni Tedesco (* 1972) Soccer player, midfielder at US Palermo
Carmen Consoli (* 1974) Singer and songwriter
Christian Riganò (* 1974) Soccer player, striker for FC Messina
Loredana Cannata (* 1975) Theater and film actress
Giuseppe Palumbo (* 1975) Cyclist


Enzo Sutera (* 1976)
Antonino Fogliani (* 1976) conductor
Tiziana Lodato (* 1976) Film actress
Luca Parmitano (* 1976) Test pilot and astronaut
Lorenzo Patanè (* 1976) Theater and film actor
Enzo Sutera (* 1976) guitarist
Alborosia (* 1977) Reggae musician
Francesco Angelico (* 1977) conductor
Francesco Coco (* 1977) Soccer player, former player of the Italian national team
Alessandro Parisi (* 1977) Football player, defender at FC Messina
Paolo Tiralongo (* 1977) Cyclist
Salvatore Aronica (* 1978) Soccer player, defender, etc. a. at US Palermo
Luca Moncada (* 1978) Lightweight rower
Silvia Salemi (* 1978) Singer and songwriter
Giusy Ferreri (* 1979) Pop singer
Giuseppe Gibilisco (* 1979) Track and field athlete, pole vaulter
Giuseppe mascara (* 1979) Soccer player at Catania Calcio
Giampaolo Caruso (* 1980) Cyclist
Nicole Grimaudo (* 1980) Film actress
Armando Perna (* 1981) Soccer player, central defender
Emanuele Calaiò (* 1982) Soccer player at SSC Napoli
Gaetano D'Agostino (* 1982) Soccer player, player of the Italian national team
Leandro Rinaudo (* 1983) Soccer player, defender
Vincenzo Nibali (* 1984) Cyclist
Giuseppe Sulfaro (* 1984) Film actor
Melissa Panarello (* 1985) Writer, writes novels
Damiano Caruso (* 1987) Cyclist
Francesco Cafiso (* 1989) Jazz musician, plays the saxophone
Salvatore Puccio (* 1989) Cyclist
Mario Balotelli (* 1990) Soccer player, player of the Italian national team

See also


  • Gaetano Savatteri: I siciliani . Giuseppe Laterza & Figli Spa, Roma-Bari 2006, ISBN 88-420-8161-2
  • Moses I. Finley , Denis Mack Smith, Christopher Duggan: History of Sicily and the Sicilians . 3. Edition. Beck, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-406-54130-5
  • Brigit Carnabuci: Sicily. Greek temples, Roman villas, Norman cathedrals and baroque cities in the center of the Mediterranean (=  DuMont art travel guide ). 6th, updated edition. DuMont Reiseverlag, Ostfildern 2011, ISBN 978-3-7701-4385-6 .

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