List of personalities of the city of Leverkusen

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Coat of arms of the city of Leverkusen

The following list contains personalities born in Leverkusen , listed chronologically according to the year of birth. The list does not claim to be complete.

This is followed by the list of honorary citizens as well as the personalities who worked in the city without being born here.

Personalities born in today's Leverkusen

Vinzenz Jakob von Zuccalmaglio, writer, born in Schlebusch

To 1900

1901 to 1950

1951 to 1960

1961 to 1970

1971 to 1980

From 1981

Honorary citizen of Leverkusen

Julius Schnitzler, manufacturer and honorary citizen of Opladen

The city of Leverkusen and its predecessor communities have granted the following people honorary citizenship:

Honorary citizen of Opladen

Honorary citizen of Bergisch Neukirchen

  • 1912: Carl Albrecht Römer, Councilor of Commerce
  • 1933: Friedrich Karl Florian , Gauleiter (but revoked again in 1946)

Personalities who have worked in the city

  • Vinzenz Joseph Deycks (1768–1850), counselor and notary, from 1811 to 1815 mayor of Opladen; The Rat-Deycks-Strasse and the Rat-Deycks-Schule are named after him
  • Stephan Josef Krey (1803–1873), dean of St. Remigius in Opladen; Dechant-Krey-Strasse was dedicated to him in 1975
  • Gerhard Hund (* 1932), mathematician and computer scientist; lived in Leverkusen from 1961 to 2007
  • Kurt Arentz (1934–2014), sculptor and portraitist of leading politicians, scientists and artists in Europe and the USA