Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

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Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
motto Committed to excellence
founding 1987
Sponsorship state
place Pisa , Italy
Rettrice Sabina Nuti
Students 1,652
Employee 82

The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento is an elite university in Pisa , Italy . It is located in the historic center of Pisa in Piazza Martiri della Libertà .


The first schools that could be described as the origin of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna are Ferdinando College , Puteano College and the Boarding School for the Education of Young Women . After several mergers and renaming, the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies was founded in 1987 . By law number 41, the former convent school became an independent university on February 14, 1987.


Some visiting professors are from Yale and Columbia . Only 44 students are accepted each year. After completing a school leaving certificate corresponding to the German Abitur, you can apply to study at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna . The selection process includes an exam in the respective subject (same exam for social sciences and different for applied sciences) and an “application interview”, both in Italian. The selection is made by a committee.


The top division is into social and applied sciences. Both are in turn divided into three subject areas.

  • Social Sciences:
    • Politics (6)
    • Economy (6)
    • Jurassic (6)
  • Social Sciences + (7) (to be decided after exam + interview)
  • Applied Science:
    • Agriculture (4)
    • Medicine (10)
    • Industrial and computer science engineer (11)

The number in brackets means the number of students enrolled per year


The Scuola Superiore is a boarding school, which means that meals and maintenance are guaranteed. Furthermore, you receive a teaching fee. The study period is five years and ends with a diploma. Thanks to the university's reputation, graduates have good prospects on the job market.

Famous Graduates

Web link

Individual evidence
