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* 109. {{nihongo|'''Third assistant to the chief of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[kunai-no sio]]"''}} -- two persons.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 109. {{nihongo|'''Third assistant to the chief of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[kunai-no sio]]"''}} -- two persons.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 110. {{nihongo|'''Alternate assistants to the chief of the imperial household'''|_主典,|''"[[kunai-no sakwan]]"''}} -- two persons.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 110. {{nihongo|'''Alternate assistants to the chief of the imperial household'''|_主典,|''"[[kunai-no sakwan]]"''}} -- two persons.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 111. {{nihongo|'''Chief steward of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[Daĩ sen-no tayu]]"''}}.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 111. {{nihongo|'''Chief steward of the imperial household'''|大膳太夫,|''"[[Daizen-no tayū]]"''}}.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 112. {{nihongo|'''Chief steward of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[Daĩ sen-no ski]]"''}}.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 112. {{nihongo|'''Chief steward of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[Daĩ sen-no ski]]"''}}.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 113. {{nihongo|'''Assistant chief steward of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[Daĩ sen-no daï sin]]"''}} -- two positions.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>
* 113. {{nihongo|'''Assistant chief steward of the imperial household'''|___,|''"[[Daĩ sen-no daï sin]]"''}} -- two positions.<ref name="t433">[see above]</ref>

Revision as of 20:49, 6 December 2007

The Daijō-kan (太政官) was the Department of State in Nara and Heian period Japan and briefly under the Meiji Constitution. Initially created by the Code of Taihō (大宝律令) in 701, this Imperial governing structure was headed by the Great Council of State -- the Daijō-kan. This council and its subsidiary ministries handled all secular administrative affairs of the country, while the Jingi-kan (神祇官) or Department of Worship, oversaw all matters regarding Shintō (神道) ritual, clergy, and shrines.

This structured organization gradually lost power over the course of the 10th and 11th centuries, as the Fujiwara clan, dominating the post of Imperial regent, began to dominate the Daijō-kan as well. It became increasingly common for the regent to hold the post of chancellor or other office simultaneously. By the 12th century, the council was essentially powerless as a separate entity, though it is not clear when or whether the system was formally dismantled.

The name of the Great Council of State was briefly resurrected under the Meiji Constitution with the appointment of Sanjo Sanetomi in 1871, but it was abolished completely in 1885.

Organization & Hierarchy

Any exercise of meaningful powers of court officials reached its nadir during the years of the Tokugawa shogunate, and yet the Daijō-kan did manage to persist intact.

Council of State

The 1652 Nipon o daï itsi ran identifies a number of positions in the court hierarchy, but it does so with unfamiliar, pre-Hepburn transliteration spellings.[1] Even in the absence of many post-Hepburn counterparts amongst these dry lists, this catalog does provide a superficial glimpse inside the complexity of court structure:

  • 1. Chancellor of the realm or chief minister (太政大臣, Daijō daijin)[2]
    • See also, Acting great minister of the council of state (知太政官事, Chi-daijōkanji).[3]
  • 2. Minister of the left (左大臣, Sadaijin).[2]
  • 3. Minister of the right (右大臣, Udaijin).[2]
  • 4. Minister of the center (中大臣, Naidaijin).[2]
  • 5. Major counselor (大納言, Dainagon) -- three positions. There are commonly three Dainagon.[2]
  • 6. Middle counselor (中納言, Chūnagon).[2]
  • 7. Minor counselor (少納言, Shōnagon) -- three positions. There are commonly three Shōnagon.[2]
  • 8. Director of palace affairs (___,, "Sanghi"). This office functions as a manager of activities within the palace.[4]
  • 9. External secretariat (外記, Geki). These are specifically named men who act at the sole discretion of the emperor.[4]
  • 10. Major controller of the left (左大弁, Sadaiben,)[3] This administrator was charged or tasked with supervising four ministries: Center, Civil Services, Ceremonies, and Taxation.[4]
  • 11. Major controller of the right (右大弁, Udaiben)[3] This administrator was charged or tasked with supervising four ministries: Military, Justice, Treasury and Imperial Household.[4]
  • 12. First assistant controller of the left (___,, Satshōben).[4]
  • 13. First assistant controller of the right (___,, Utshōben).[4]
  • 14. Second assistant controller of the left (左少弁,, Sashōben).[4]
  • 15. Second assistant controller of the right (右少弁,, Ushōben).[4]
  • 16. First secretary of the left (___,, "Sadaisi").[4]
  • 17. First secretary of the right (___,, "Oudaisi").[4]
  • 18. Assistant secretaries of the left or right (___,, "Sishō sio") -- 20 positions. There are twenty officials with this title.[4]

The Eight Ministries

A mere list of the court titles cannot reveal nearly enough about the actual functioning of the Daijō-kan; but at least the broad hierarchical relationships which are drawn here amongst these court offices become more readily identified.

I. Ministry of the Center

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Center (中務省,, Nakatsukasa-shō).[5] This ministry became the governmental agency for matters pertaining to the emperor. Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 19. Chief administrator of the ministry of the center (中務卿,, Nakatsukasa-kyō).[3] This official oversees the inspection of the interior apartments of the palace; and he is granted the privilege of retaining his swords in the presence of the emperor.[5]
  • 20. First assistant to the chief of the ministery of the center (中務_,, "Nakatsukasa ta yu").[5]
  • 21. Second assistant to th chief of the ministery of the center (中務_,, "Nakatsukasa sio yu").[5]
  • 22. Third assistant to the chief of the ministery of the center (中務_,, "Nakatsukasa daï sió").[5]
  • 23. Fourth assistant to the chief of the ministery of the center (中務_,, "Nakatsukasa sio sió").[5]
  • 24. __________ ("Si sió") -- 8 positions. There are 8 officials with this title, all equal in rank and in the confidence of the Emperor.[5]
  • 25. __________ ("Oudoneri") -- 90 positions. There are 90 officials with this title; and when a sesshō becomes a kampaku, these men function under his orders. If the emperor is still a child, or if a woman occupies the throne, a kampaku is chosen to represent the emperor; and the kampaku is considered first amongst all others in Japan. Then the Shogun cannot undertake anything of importance without his approval. When the emperor governs directly on his own, the Oudoneri may be by-passed.[5]
  • 26. First draftsman/editor (___,, "Daïnaï ki").[5]
  • 27. Second draftsman/editor (___,, "Sio naï ki"). These official must be very well versed in the affairs of China and Japan: and they edit or re-draft all of the emperor's edicts, rescripts, memorials and letters. For this kind of work, only men of the highest merit and distinction are chosen.[5]
  • 28. Drafting clerks (監物,, "Kenmotsu").[5]
  • 29. Chief surveyor of the palace apartments (___,, "Tsioûgoû daïbou").[5]
  • 30. Assistant surveyor of the palace apartments (___,, "Tsioûgoû gon-no Daïbou").[5]
  • 31. Head chamberlain of the palace (_長官,, "Oudoneri-no kami").[5]
  • 32. Chief curator of the palace (_長官,, "Koura-no kami").[5]
  • 33. Assistant curator of the palace (_長官,, "Koura-no gon-no kami").[5]
  • 34. Chief court tailor (縫殿頭,, "Nui no kami").[5]
  • 35. Chief court astrologer (_長官,, "Ou yó-no kami").[5]
  • 36. Chief court calendar-maker (___,, "Rek fakka se").[5]
  • 37. Chief court astronomer (___,, "Ten mon fakka se").[5]
  • 38. Chief court time-keeper (___,, "Kokok fakka se").[5]
  • 39. Chief court architect (内匠頭,, "Takumi-no kami").[5]

II. Ministry of Civil Services

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Civil Services (式部省,, Shikibu-shō); also known as the "Ministry of Legislative Direction and Public Instruction".[5] Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 40. Chief administrator of the ministry of civil services (式部卿,, Shikibu-kyō);[3] also known as Chief minister of public instruction. This office is ordinarily filled by a son or close relative of the emperor. There are seven judges who directly assist this court official:[6]
  • 41. Chief Education expert (_長官,, Daigaku-no-kami).[6]
    • 1. Chief experts on the history of Japan and China (___,, "Ki ten").[6]
    • 2. Chief experts on classical Chinese works (___,, "Meï kió").[6]
    • 3. Chief experts on jurisprudence of Japan and China (___,, "Meï fots").[6]
    • 4. Chief experts on mathematics (___,, "San do").[6]
  • 42. Chief calligrapher of the court (___,, "Mon sió fakka se"). There would have been many copyist calligraphers working under the direction of the chief calligrapher.[6]
  • 43. First Assistant to the chief calligrapher of the court (___,, "Sio kio").[6]
  • 44. Instructors of Japanese and Chinese literature (___,, "Tsiok ko") -- two positions.[6]
  • 45. Instructors in pronunciation of words (___,, "On fakka se") -- two positions.[6]
  • 46. Instructors in calligraphy (___,, "Sio fakka se") -- two positions.[6]
  • 47. Instructors in jurisprudence (___,, "Mïô bo fakka se") -- two positions.[6]
  • 48. Instructors in mathematics (___., "San fakka se") -- two positions.[6]

III. Ministry of Ceremonies

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Ceremonies (治部省,, Jibu-shō); also known as the "Ministry of the Interior".[7] Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 49. Chief administrator of the ministry of ceremonies (治部卿,, Jibu-kyō).[3]
  • 50. First assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部_,, "Jibu-no ta yu").[7]
  • 51. Second assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部_,, "Jibu-no sió yu").[7]
  • 52. Third assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部_,, "Jibu-no daï siô").[7]
  • 53. Fourth assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部_,, "Jibu-no sió sió").[7]
  • 54. Senior alternate assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部主典_,, Jibu-sakwan).[7]
  • 55. Junior alternate assistant to the chief of the ministry of ceremonies (治部主典_,, "Jibu-no sakwan").[7]
  • 56. Chief court musician (雅楽頭,, "Uta-no kami").[7]
  • 57. First assistant court musician (雅楽介,, "Uta-no suke").[7]
  • 58. Second assistant court musician (___,, "Outa-no zeó").[8]
  • 59. Alternate assistant court musicians (_主典,, "Outa-no sakwan") -- two positions.[8]
  • 60. Chief interpreter/diplomat (玄蕃頭,, "Genba-no kami"). This official is charged with receiving ambassadors from China and Korean and serving as interpreters for them.[8]
  • 61. First assistant chief interpreter/diplomat (玄蕃介,, "Genba-no suke").[8]
  • 62. Second assistant chief interpreter/diplomat (___,, "Ghenba-no zeó") -- two positions.[8]
  • 63. Alternate interpreter/diplomat (_主典,, "Ghenba-no sakwan") -- two positions.[8]
  • 64.Chief inspector of imperial tombs (陵._長官,, Mizasaghi-kami) -- two positions.[8]
  • 65.First assistant inspector of imperial tombs (陵___,, "Mizasaghi-no ski") -- two positions.[8]
  • 66. Second assistant inspector of imperial tombs (陵___,, "Mizasaghi-no zeó") -- two positions.[8]
  • 67. Alternate inspectors of imperial tombs (陵主典,, Mizasaghi-sakwan) -- two positions.[8]
[N.b. The word "mizasaghi", which means "imperial tomb," is never used in speaking with the emperor.]

IV. Ministry of Taxation

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of Taxation (治部省,, Minbu-shō).[8] Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 68. Chief administrator of the ministry of taxation (民部卿,, Minbu-kyō).[3] The Chief Minister who concerns himself with the people's affairs, with the general police, and with land survey records. In this ministry, registries for all towns and villages are maintained, which include census records of general population, records of births and records of deaths.[8]
  • 69. First assistant to the chief of the ministry of taxation (民部_,, "Min bou-no ta yu").[8]
  • 70. Second assistant to the chief of the ministry of taxation (民部_,, "Min bou-no sió yu").[8]
  • 71. Senior taxation undersecretaries (民部_,, "Minbu-no ___) -- four positions. There would have been four undersecretaries, two of whom would have been considered superior to the other two:
    • Junior taxation undersecretary (民部_,, "Min bou-no sió").[8]
    • Alternate taxation undersecretary (民部主典,, Minbou-sakwan).[8]
  • 72. Chief steward (主計頭,, "Kazue no kami"). In former times, when the Emperor enjoyed the full exercise of all his powers, this court official would have supervised gathering of all tax revenues and imperial expenditures throughout the country; but from the 12th century, the activities of this steward were more narrowly focused on the revenue and expenditures of the court itself.[8]
  • 73. Assistant to the chief steward (__,, "Kasouye-no ski").[8]
  • 74. Chief comptroller (___,, "Kasouye-no zeó") -- two positions. These officials were charged with overseeing financial accounts.[8]
  • 75. Assistant comptroller (_主典,, "Kasouye-no sakwan") -- two positions. These officials were aides to the chief comptrollers.[9]
  • 76. Chief food inspector (主税頭,, "Chikara-no kami").[9]
  • 77. Assistant food inspector (主税介,, "Chikara-no suke"). All food which might be served to the emperor was scrupulously examined by the food inspectors; and the rice is counted grain-by-grain so that the emperor is given exactly the same amount each day.[9]

V. Ministry of the Military

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Military (兵部省,, "Hyōbu-shō"). Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 78. Chief administrator of the ministry of the military (兵部卿,, Hyōbu-kyō).[3] This Minister is ordinarily a son or a close relative of the Emperor. This court official is responsible for directing all military matters, or in working with the shogunate in the period beginning in the late 12th century. If anyone dares violate the orders of the emperor, this officer (along with the Shogun) would be charge with punishing the offender. [9]
  • 79. First assistant to the chief of the ministry of the military (兵部大輔,, "Hyōbu no tayū").[9]
  • 80. Second assistant to the chief of the ministry of the military (兵部少輔,, "Hyōbu no shōyū").[9]
  • 81. Primary staff officer (兵部_,, "Fió bou-no sio"). This ministry official is charged with overseeing the execution of orders which are given by his superiors.[9]
  • 82. Secondary staff officers (兵部_,, "Fió bou-no zeó") -- two positions. These military officers are charged with actually executing the orders given by their superiors.[9]
  • 83. Director of dance (_長官,, "Fayato-no kami"). This court official and his assistants were considered to have a very low rank.[9]
  • 84. First assistant director of dance (___,, "Fayato-no seo").[9]
  • 85. Alternate assistant director of dance (__主典,, "Fayato-no sakwan").[9]

VI. Ministry of Justice

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of Justice (刑部省,, Gyōbu-shō). Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 86. Chief administrator of the ministry of justice (刑部,, "Gyōbu-kyō").[9]
  • 87. First assistant to the chief of the ministry of justice (刑部大輔, "Gyōbu-no tayū").[9]
  • 88. Second assistant to the chief of the ministry of justice (刑部少輔,, "Gyōbu-no shōyū").[10]
  • 89. Senior ministry of justice undersecretary (刑部_,, "Gyōbu-no sio").[10]
  • 90. Alternate of justice undersecretary (刑部主典,, Gyōbu-sakwan) -- two positions.[10]
  • 91. Chief judge (___,, Daï fan si). There are three classes of officials under the control of the chief judge.[10]
  • 92. First assistants to the chief judge (___,, "Tsiou fan si").[10]
  • 93. Second assistants to the chief judge (___,, "Sió fan si").[10]
  • 94. Alternate assistants to the chief judge (主典_,, "Sakwan").[10]
  • 95. Chief prison warden (_長官,, "Siou gakf-no kami").[10]
  • 96. First assistant prison warden (___,, "Siou gakf-no seo").[10]
  • 97. Alternate assistant prison warden (_主典,, "Siou gakf-no sakwan").[10]

VII. Ministry of the Treasury

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Treasury (大蔵省,, Ōkura-shō).[10] Amongst the significant Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 98. Chief administrator of the ministry of the treasury (大蔵卿,, Ōkura-kyō).[3] This official supervises the receipt of tributes from the provinces and imposes tribute on others.[10]
  • 99. Chief administrator of the ministry of the treasury (大蔵大輔,, "Ōkura-no tayū").[3]
  • 100. First assistant to the chief of the ministry of the treasury (大蔵少輔,, "Ōkura-no shōyū").[3]
  • 101. Second assistant to the chief of the ministry of the treasury (大蔵_,, "Ōkura-no sió") -- two positions.[3]
  • 102. Alternate assistant to the chief of the ministry of the treasury (大蔵主典,, Ōkura-sakwan) -- two positions.[3]
  • 103. Collector of taxation from manufactureres and dyers (織部頭,, "Ori be-no kami").[10]
  • 104. Assistant collector of taxation from manufactureres and dyers (___,, "Ori be-no seo").[10]
  • 105. Alternate assistant collector of taxation from manufactureres and dyers (_主典,, "Ori be-no sakwan").[10]

VIII. Ministry of the Imperial Household

The Asuka-, Nara- and Heian-period Imperial court hierarchy encompassed a Ministry of the Imperial Household (宮内省,, Kunai-shō).[11] Important Daijō-kan officials within this ministry structure were:

  • 106. Chief administrator of the imperial household (宮内卿,, Kunai-kyō) -- the surveyor of all works which are executed within the interior of the palace.[3]
  • 107. First assistant to the chief of the imperial Household (___,, "kunai-no ta yu").[11]
  • 108. Second assistant to the chief of the imperial household (__,, "kunai-no sio yu") -- two persons.[11]
  • 109. Third assistant to the chief of the imperial household (___,, "kunai-no sio") -- two persons.[11]
  • 110. Alternate assistants to the chief of the imperial household (_主典,, "kunai-no sakwan") -- two persons.[11]
  • 111. Chief steward of the imperial household (大膳太夫,, "Daizen-no tayū").[11]
  • 112. Chief steward of the imperial household (___,, "Daĩ sen-no ski").[11]
  • 113. Assistant chief steward of the imperial household (___,, "Daĩ sen-no daï sin") -- two positions.[11]
  • 114. Alternate assistant steward of the imperial household (_主典,, "Daĩ sen-no sakwan") -- two positions.[11]
  • 115. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 116. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 117. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 118. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 119. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 120. Chief storekeeper (_長官,, "Oo i-no kami").[11]
  • 121. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 122. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 123. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 124. _________ ( ).[11]
  • 125. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 126. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 127. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 128. Chief pharmacist (_長官,, "Ten yakf-no kami").[12]
  • 129. First assistant to the chief pharmacist (___, ,"Ten yakf-no ski").[12]
  • 130. Second assistant to the chief pharmacist (___, ,"Ten yakf-no zeó").[12]
  • 131. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 132. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 133. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 134. _________ ( ).[12]
  • 135. _________ ("Si i").[12]
  • 136. _________ ("Ghon-no si i").[12]
  • 137. _________ ("I si").[12]
  • 138. _________ ("Ka mon-no kami").[12]
  • 139. _________ ("Ka mon-no ski").[12]
  • 140. _________ ("Ka mon-no sió").[13]
  • 141. _________ ("Ka mon-no sakwan").[13]
  • 142. Chief genealogist of the imperial family (_長官,, "Oo kimi-no kami").[13]
  • 143. First assistant to the chief genealogist (___,, "Oo kimi-no seo").[13]
  • 144. Alternate assistant to the chief genealogist (___,, "Oo kimi-no sakwan").[13]
  • 145. 内膳頭 ("Naï sen-no kami").[13]
  • 146. _________ ("Boû sen").[13]
  • 147. _________ ("Ten sen").[13]
  • 148. _________ ("Naïsen sakwan").[13]
  • 149. Chief sake maker (_長官,, '"Miko-no kami").[13]
  • 150. First assistant to the chief sake maker (___,, "Miki-no seo").[13]|
  • 151. Alternate assistant to the chief sake maker (_主典,, "Mik-no sakwan").[13]
  • 152. _________ ("Oune me-no kami").[13]
  • 153. _________ ("Oune me-no seo").[13]
  • 154. _________ ("Oune me-no sakwan").[13]
  • 155. 主水頭 ("Mondo-no kami").[13]
  • 156. 主水正 ("Mondo-no seo").[13]
  • 157. _________ ("Mondo-no sakwan").[13]

Tokugawa Courtiers

Even nominal administrative powers of court officials reached a nadir during the years of the Tokugawa shogunate. In this impoverished period, titles and court rank were still prized by those outside the traditional kuge. The Tokugawa shoguns did not demur when the emperor offered rank and an office in the court:

Geo-political sub-divisions

The country was divided into provinces called kuni (国), which were administered by governors (kokushi, 国司) appointed by the Daijō-kan. The provinces were then further divided into districts called gun (郡) or kōri, under district governors (gunji, 郡司) who were appointed by the local nobility. At the beginning of the eighth century there were 592 districts making up 66 provinces.


  1. ^ Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). Annales des empereurs du japon, pp. 425-426.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Titsingh, p. 425. Cite error: The named reference "t425" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Varley, H. Paul. (1980). Jinnō Shōtōki, p.272. Cite error: The named reference "v272" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Titsingh, p. 426. Cite error: The named reference "t426" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Titsingh, p. 427. Cite error: The named reference "t427" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Titsingh, p. 428. Cite error: The named reference "t428" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Titsingh, p. 429. Cite error: The named reference "t429" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Titsingh, p. 430. Cite error: The named reference "t430" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Titsingh, p. 431. Cite error: The named reference "t431" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Titsingh, p. 432. Cite error: The named reference "t432" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Titsingh, p. 433. Cite error: The named reference "t433" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Titsingh, p. 434. Cite error: The named reference "t434" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Titsingh, p. 435. Cite error: The named reference "t435" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  14. ^ Screech, T. (2006). Secret Memoirs of the Shoguns: Isaac Titsingh and Japan, 1779-1822, pp. 157. [Error in published text was corrected: Udaijin is Minister of the Right -- not Left.]
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h Screech, pp. 157. Cite error: The named reference "s157" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  16. ^ Screech, pp. 157. [Error in published text was corrected: Sadaijin is Minister of the Left - not Right.]
  17. ^ Screech, pp. 157. [Error in published text was corrected: Nadaijin is Minister of the Left - not Right.].

See also