Álvaro Alfredo Magaña Borja

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Álvaro Alfredo Magaña Borja

Álvaro Alfredo Magaña Borja (born October 8, 1925 in Ahuachapán ; † June 10, 2001 in San Salvador ) was the interim president of El Salvador from May 2, 1982 to June 1, 1984 .


Álvaro Magaña studied and completed his habilitation at the Universidad de El Salvador (UES) as Dr. jur. Soz. He holds an MA in Economics from the University of Chicago and a second degree in Economics and Finance from the Università degli studi di Roma .

Magaña was Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance from 1960 to 1961; from 1961 to 1965 Associate Director of the Department of Economic Affairs of the (OEA) ; from 1961 to 1965 managing director of the joint tax program of the OEA / BID / CEPAL ; from 1965 to 1982 president of the state-owned Banco Hipotecario de El Salvador ; Director of the Central Bank of El Salvador from 1976 to 1982; Member of the Central Bank Council from 1972 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1982.

Magaña was elected interim president by the ARENA- dominated constituent assembly. Since the US government would not have recognized a presidency of Roberto D'Aubuisson Arrieta , because of his role in the death squads , Magaña was sworn in by D'Aubuisson, who was president of the constituent assembly. Magaña ruled with a right tendency. His interim government prepared for the 1984 presidential election.

After serving as President, he devoted himself to research and published in books and journals on constitutional, tax law and related topics.


  • Derecho Constitucional Tributario: El Principio de Legalidad 1993
  • Derecho Constitucional Presupuestario Salvadoreño 1996
  • Consideraciones sobre la Constitución Salvadoreña 1996
  • Derechos Fundamentales y Constitución 1997
  • La Constitucionalización del Principio de Reserva de Ley Tributaria en El Salvador 1997


predecessor Office successor
Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno President of El Salvador
José Napoleón Duarte