Étienne Moulinié

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Étienne Moulinié (born October 10, 1599 in Laure-Minervois near Carcassonne , † 1676 ) was a French composer of the Baroque period.


Born in Languedoc, Étienne Moulinié came to the singing school of Narbonne Cathedral , where he stayed for 16 years. Through the influence of his brother Antoine Moulinié, he came to the court of Gaston d'Orléans , the brother of Louis XIII , as "maître de musique" . Moulinié composed both sacred and secular music for voices with lutes or basso continuo accompaniment. After the death of the Duke of Orléans in 1660, he returned to his homeland to look for a new job. His brother Antoine Moulinié was a singer at the royal court.

Works (selection)

His works include 5 books with “ Airs avec la tablature de luth ” (1625, dedicated to King Louis XIII), another 5 books with “ airs de cour ” (court arias) (1625) and “airs à boire” (drinking songs) ( 1633), a funeral mass, “ Missa pro defunctis ” (1636) “ Meslanges de sujets chrestiens ” for two to five voices with Bc (1658).

In recent years, the ensemble “Le poème Harmonique” under the direction of Vincent Dumestre has recorded several works by Moulinié on the ALPHA label.


  • Jean-Louis H. Bonnet and Bérengère Lalanne: “ Etienne Moulinié 1599-1676, Intendant de la musique aux Etats du Languedo. “Presses du Languedoc, Montpellier 2000, ISBN 9782859982331
  • Jean-Paul C. Montagnier , The Polyphonic Mass in France, 1600-1780: The Evidence of the Printed Choirbooks, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.musicologie.org/Biographies/moulinie_etienne.html