Vincent Dumestre

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Vincent Dumestre (born May 5, 1968 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye ) is a French lutenist and conductor.


Vincent Dumestre studied classical guitar at the École Normale de Musique de Paris and art history at the École du Louvre . After these studies he devoted himself mainly to the theorbo , the baroque guitar and the lute . First in seminars, later with Hopkinson Smith and Eugène Ferré at the Conservatory of Toulouse; in addition, he studied figured bass with Rolf Lislevand at the Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatory .

After successfully completing his studies, he played with numerous well-known ensembles from the historical performance scene , such as the "Ricercar Consort", "La Simphonie du Marais", "Le Concert des Nations", "La Grande Écurie et la Chambre du Roy" , "Akademia". Dumestre is in constant exchange and cooperation with the “Center de musique baroque de Versailles”.

In 1997 he founded the ensemble Le Poème Harmonique, which he also directed . With this he initially turned to Italian baroque music, but in a second period he devoted himself mainly to the scientifically founded interpretation of French masters of the 17th century.

Dumestre has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2003 Venice Prize for “the best ensemble of 2002”. In 2004 he received the order " Chevalier des Arts et Lettres " from the French minister of culture . In 2005, his recording of Lully'sLe Bourgeois Gentilhomme ” was awarded the “ Grand Prix du Disque et DVD” of the “ Charles Cros Academy ”. In 2008 there were performances and the recording of Lully's opera Cadmus et Hermione . The majority of his other recordings were also awarded record awards.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. resume Dumestres on the website