Óengus mac Óengobann

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Óengus mac Óengobann ("Óengus, son of Óengoba", also known as Saint Óengus of Tallaght or Óengus the Culdee , Oengus Culdeus , in modern Irish Aonghas mac Aonghobhann ; * around 780 in Cluain Eidhneach , Ireland ; † probably March 11th 824 , feast day March 11), was an Irish hermit and writer who lived in the 9th century .


Oengus is the author of the Óengus saint calendar ( Félire Óengusso ). The work, probably composed between 794 and 808, is a poem made up of 591 four-line stanzas. It is written in the Rinnard meter, the second and fourth of the six-syllable stanzas are rhymed. In the main part, consisting of 365 quatrains, the respective main saints and brief additional information (e.g. epithets ) are named for each day of the year . The verses are supplemented by glosses and longer commentaries that interrupt the text. The félire is important for hagiography and for the history of the Irish church and language. Possibly Oengus was also a co-author of the "Martyrology of Tallaght ".


According to the Catholic Encyclopedia , he was a hermit who lived near the River Nore and was famous for his fear of God (the nickname “the Culdee” derives from the Irish Céile Dé , “Companion of God”; the Célí Dé were an ascetic Christian community in Ireland. Whether Oengus belonged to this is uncertain, the nickname Céle De has only been attested since the 17th century.). Disturbed by too many admirers, he withdrew into greater solitude and finally gave up his hermit existence entirely, only to join a monastery as a lay brother in disguise. There he is said to have put together the "Martyrology of Tallaght" with him, recognized by the founder of the monastery, St. Máel Ruain . According to Kindler's Literature Lexicon, Óengus was a monk in various monasteries and later an abbot and bishop .


Individual evidence

  1. Data 830 is also called.
  2. ^ Sources for the Irish language (Uni Duisburg-Essen: Discover Irish). (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on March 26, 2012 ; accessed on January 12, 2017 (English).
  3. a b Rolf Baumgarten: Oengus . In: Walter Jens (Hrsg.): Kindlers Literature Lexicon . Licensed edition of the lexicon from 1988 edition. 12 (Mp-Pa). Komet, ISBN 3-89836-214-0 , pp. 635-636 .