Public insurances Saxony-Anhalt

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Public insurance


legal form Institute of public right
Seat Magdeburg
management Board:

Detlef Swieter (chairman),
David Bartusch, Rainer Bülow

Branch Financial services

ÖSA building in City-Carre Magdeburg
Business areas of the public insurers in Germany

The Sachsen-Anhalt Public Insurance (ÖSA) are the regional insurance companies in the state of Saxony-Anhalt . They consist of the Public Fire Insurance Saxony-Anhalt and the Public Life Insurance Saxony-Anhalt. The seat is in Magdeburg . Both individual companies are public insurance companies .

The sole capital carrier of ÖSA Insurance is the Landschaftliche Brandkasse Hannover of the VGH Group .


ÖSA Insurance was founded in 1991 by a resolution of the state parliament. They build on a tradition that goes back more than 300 years: Magdeburg is the second oldest public insurance location in Germany. In 1685, councilors from Magdeburg created the “General-Feur-Cassa in the city of Magdeburg” based on the model of the Hamburger Feuerkasse, which had been founded nine years earlier. Other forerunners in the region were the Land-Feuersozietät of the Province of Saxony, the Anhaltische Landesbrandkasse and the Life Insurance Institution of Saxony-Thuringia-Anhalt. In addition to their duties as an insurer, they promoted the development of the fire service in their areas with grants for equipment purchases and payment of extinguishing premiums after fires.

Common good

In their statutes, the ÖSA insurance companies commit themselves to the "common good" of the country, in particular for loss prevention . The work of the fire brigade for fire protection , traffic education for children and cultural, sporting and social projects are supported.

Business activity

ÖSA Versicherungen is a service insurer with more than a million contracts in its portfolio. The offer in all insurance lines is aimed at private individuals, traders, industrial and agricultural customers as well as at the municipalities and housing companies in Saxony-Anhalt. With around 100 independent insurance agencies and the Sparkasse branches, there is a very dense support network nationwide in Saxony-Anhalt.

The primary insurance covers the classes home insurance , homeowners insurance , accident insurance , motor insurance , life insurance , business insurance, property insurance and liability insurance .

Around 500 people work for the company directly or indirectly. Every year, ÖSA Versicherungen trains “insurance and finance salespeople in the insurance field” and accompanies a dual degree in business administration in the insurance field.

The companies are subject to insurance supervision by BaFin ( Federal Financial Supervisory Authority ).

Special products

The ÖSA insurance companies offer the ÖSA fire brigade pension, the ÖSA strategy pension and the automatic emergency call ÖSA copilot exclusively in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Individual evidence

  1. Franz-Josef Sehr : The founding years of the volunteer fire brigade Obertiefenbach . In: Yearbook for the Limburg-Weilburg district 1995 . The district committee of the district of Limburg-Weilburg, Limburg-Weilburg 1994, p. 170-171 .