Eco forum

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eco-forum consultation room with environmental library

The eco-forum environmental advice Lucerne is a contact point for all current questions in the areas of environmental protection , nature conservation and ecology and is organized as part of the environmental protection service department of the city of Lucerne. The öko-forum was founded in 1987 and is the stationary and telephone environmental advice center in the canton of Lucerne ( Switzerland ).

The organization is also the official environmental advice center for the municipalities of Adligenswil LU, Buchrain LU , Hochdorf LU , Luzern , Horw LU, Luzern, Meggen LU , Root LU and Sursee LU .

The facility is divided into two areas: the environmental advice center and the environmental library, which is unique in Switzerland.

The latter includes over 6,000 media such as books, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, environmental games and demonstration models which can be borrowed free of charge. Some environmental institutions have made their books and media collections available for this purpose. The largest share comes from the Anna Zemp Foundation for Comprehensive Environmental Protection (SUMS) in Männedorf ZH, which also makes a considerable amount available every year to buy new books.

Comprehensive documentation as well as many free brochures round off the offer in the environmental sector. This results in an ideal solution for people who want to deal with practical environmental protection, be it only superficially or more profoundly.

Every six months, an event program with excursions, courses and stand activities on topics in the field of environmental and nature conservation is organized. The entire offer is available free of charge to private individuals, businesses, teachers and students throughout the Canton of Lucerne . The facility is located in the Bourbaki Panorama Lucerne on Löwenplatz, within the Lucerne City Library.

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