Austrian Veterinary Association

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Austrian Veterinary Association
Founding year: 1948
president Kurt Frühwirth
1st Vice President Dietmar Gerstner
2nd Vice President Andrea Wüstenhagen
3rd Vice President Sabine Eigelsreiter-Scharl
4. Vice-President Gloria Gerstl-Hejduk
Chamber Office Director NN
Address: Austrian Veterinary Association
1130 Vienna , Hietzinger Kai 87
Website: Austrian Veterinary Association

To represent and promote the economic interests and the class interests of the doctors and animal veterinarians is Austrian Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons established. It is a corporation under public law and has its seat in Vienna . The local area of ​​activity of the Austrian Veterinary Association extends to the entire federal territory. Each federal state has a branch office of the chamber.


The Austrian Veterinary Chamber has, among other things, the following tasks: the representation of the professional, social and economic interests of veterinarians and their promotion as well as the development of the animal health system and veterinary care as well as the submission of reports, suggestions and statements to the Austrian federal government , the state governments as well as to authorities in all questions that directly or indirectly affect the interests of veterinarians, and to support these authorities in regulating veterinary affairs .

The Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians maintains a list of veterinarians who are authorized to practice their profession in Austria, which anyone can inspect. In addition, the Austrian Veterinary Chamber creates a fee schedule for veterinary services that is valid for the entire federal territory . The Austrian Veterinary Chamber also administers funds for the supply and support of the chamber members and their surviving dependents (supply fund, death benefit fund, emergency fund).


As the legal professional representation of the interests of veterinarians, the chamber is primarily the voice of the profession in relation to legislation and enforcement and can try to enforce the interests of the profession, but also interests of animal and public health.

The activities of the Austrian Veterinary Association include a. marketing for individual or subgroups of the profession. And furthermore information, advice and service for veterinarians as well as representation before authorities and in individual cases before courts. In individual cases, the Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians also takes part in the arbitration in disputes between veterinarians.

The Tierärzteverlag was founded as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber (ÖTK) and sees itself as a service organization for veterinarians. The product portfolio is designed to provide the best possible support for the profession in its daily work. The aim is to offer veterinarians as comprehensive, effective and inexpensive services as possible. Funding is basically done through own revenues and is not borne by the chamber contributions of the members.

The Austrian Veterinary Chamber is a member of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), the umbrella organization of 47 veterinary associations from 39 European countries.

The Tierärzteverlag

VETAK logo

The Tierärzteverlag was founded as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber (ÖTK) and sees itself as a service organization for veterinarians. The product portfolio is designed to provide the best possible support for the profession in its daily work. The aim is to offer veterinarians as comprehensive, effective and inexpensive services as possible. Funding is basically done through own revenues and is not borne by the chamber contributions of the members.

The Tierärzteverlag was founded as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber (ÖTK) and sees itself as a service organization for veterinarians. The product portfolio is designed to provide the best possible support for the profession in its daily work. The aim is to offer veterinarians as comprehensive, effective and inexpensive services as possible. Funding is basically done through own revenues and is not borne by the chamber contributions of the members. The publishing portfolio includes:

  • the newly created area of ​​media & communication
  • the publication of the Vetjournal, the magazine for veterinarians
  • the event and training platform "Vetakademie (VETAK)"
  • the job and career platform "Vetjobs"
  • the distribution of EU pet ID cards
  • drug delivery and application blocks, etc. a. Consumer goods
  • the veterinary association registration office (TÄKM)

Academy of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber (VETAK)

VETAK logo

The "Academy of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber" (VETAK) wants to support veterinarians in performing their important role for our society. It was founded in December 2005 as a non-profit association with the following goals:

- to coordinate the educational offer throughout Austria and to provide current educational information,

- to ensure the quality of further and advanced training at recognized events,

- To offer advanced and advanced training events on defined key topics in the areas of public health, livestock and practice management.

public relation

The Austrian Veterinary Chamber provides annual reports on its activities. The following measures are also used for public relations.


The Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians is the publisher of the monthly magazine "Vetjournal", which contains the official gazette of the Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians.

Press award of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber

In addition, the Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians awards an annual press prize of 2,000 euros for outstanding journalistic work in the interests of animal welfare, animal health and consumer protection (food safety). The award is given to journalistic work that addresses the profession of the veterinarian and its ethical responsibility.

Bank Austria Prize from the Austrian Veterinary Association

The Austrian Veterinary Association has been awarding the Bank Austria Prize, endowed by Bank Austria Creditanstalt and endowed with 2,200 euros, for years . It is awarded to Austrian veterinarians for particularly valuable written work, lectures or research projects that relate to veterinary science, the health of the population from a veterinary perspective or the profession of veterinary medicine and which are important or implementable for veterinary practice.

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