Austrian builder award 1972

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The following projects were awarded the Austrian Builders' Prize of the Central Association of Architects in Austria in 1972:

realization Client planner

Playground campaign ›Kinderparadiese‹ of the daily newspaper Kurier in Vienna
Hugo Portisch , Siegfried Rattenmoser, Franz Traintinger

Improvements in the area of workplace design in Braunau am Inn
Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen with works doctor Othmar Hesse

Workplace simulator ergonomics at the workplace in Vienna
Society for occupational medicine with Ing. H. Malczynsky, ÖGB with secretary K. Prokop, union of metalworkers and miners with secretary J. Rath, Chamber for workers and employees for Vienna with speaker M. Schrammhauser

Research assignment: ›Flexible Living‹ in Vienna and Linz
Federal Ministry for Buildings and Technology Housing Research Work group Linz: Helmut Frohnwieser, Heinz Pammer, Edgar Telesko, Helmut Werthgarner

The jury was made up of Bernstein, Brunbauer, Utz, Purr and Zwick.

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