Austrian builder award 1989

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The following projects were awarded the Austrian Builders' Prize by the Central Association of Architects in Austria in 1989:

realization Client planner

Traisen pavilion in St. Pölten
Lower Austria State Capital Planungsges. mbH, N. Steiner and G. Bonelli Adolf Krischanitz

Frauenburg power plant in Unzmarkt
Schwarzenberg'sche Elektrizitäts ErrichtungsGes.mbH with Dir. F. Brodschild and G. Matzinger Günther Domenig , P. Hellweger

Roof extension Falkestrasse
W. Schuppich, W. Sporn, M. Winischhofer, M. Schuppich Coop Himmelb (l) au
All-day primary school Köhlergasse Hans Hollein view 2.jpg
All-day school in Köhlergasse
City of Vienna, MA 19, HR SR D. Pal Hans Hollein
Baden St. Josef church and bell tower.jpg
Parish church and pastoral care center Baden-Leesdorf
Building Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna Stefan Bukovac

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