International Jewish-Christian Bible Week

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The International Jewish-Christian Bible Week is a dialogue initiative that was founded in 1968 in Bendorf am Rhein and has been based in Haus Ohrbeck since 2004 . It takes place annually and lasts from Sunday to Sunday. The focus is on a book from the Hebrew Bible . This is a special feature of this Bible Week among the various Judeo-Christian forms of dialogue: it is "a dialogue between people of the two religions with the Bible text, from which, however, much Judeo-Christian dialogue develops." The 130 participants come from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, the United States and Israel; the conference languages ​​are German and English.

In the center: the Hebrew text. ( Psalm 1 , Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia )


The International Jewish-Christian Bible Week in 1969 emerged from a Catholic Bible Week. The suggestion for this came from Anneliese Debray , then director of the Hedwig-Dransfeld-Haus in Bendorf, and Jonathan Magonet , then a rabbinical student and later director of Leo Baeck College in London. The Bible Week has been a joint event of the Biblical Forum Haus Ohrbeck and Leo Baeck College since 2004.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is one of the regular supporters .


From Monday to Friday, Bible studies take place in groups in the mornings, whereby the participants work with the Hebrew text, with translations or in an artistic and creative way, depending on their language skills and interests. In the afternoon there will be lectures on individual aspects of the respective biblical book; the speakers usually take part in the entire Bible Week. From Friday evening, the Jewish participants organize the Shabbat with all the elements that are important to them; the Christian participants are guests. The service on Sunday morning is celebrated annually alternately according to Catholic or Protestant order, with the Jewish participants again being guests.

Well-known participants in Bible Week

Egbert Ballhorn , Eberhard Bethge , Lionel Blue , Annette Boeckler , Irmtraud Fischer , Eveline Goodman-Thau , Halima Krausen , Nathan Peter Levinson , Jonathan Magonet , Pnina Navè-Levinson , Georg Steins , Dieter Vetter , Klaus Wengst , Erich Zenger

Web links


  • Daniela Koeppler: “ Tents of Encounter”: History and theological significance of the “Permanent Conference of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Europe” and the “International Jewish-Christian Bible Week” , Lembeck 2010, ISBN 9783874766265 .
  • Edith Petschnigg: Biblical friendship. Jewish-Christian grassroots initiatives in Germany and Austria after 1945 . Leipzig 2018.
  • Regina Wildgruber: God's Word in Conversation. The Jewish-Christian Bible Week in Haus Ohrbeck . In: Bibel heute 45 (2/2009), pp. 28–29.
  • Uta Zwingenberger: The Hebrew Bible in the center, the people under one roof. Dialogues of the International Jewish-Christian Bible Week . In: Edith Petschnigg, Gerhard Langer (Hrsg.): Does the Jewish-Christian dialogue have a future? Göttingen 2017, ISBN 978-3-8470-0717-3 , pp. 39-48.
  • Uta Zwingenberger: The practical case of the Judeo-Christian dialogue. Almost ten years of the International Jewish-Christian Bible Week in Haus Ohrbeck. In: Howard Cooper / Colin Eimer / Elli Tikvah Sarah (eds.): Welcome to the Cavalcade. A Festschrift in honor of Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet . London 2013, pp. 262-273.

Individual evidence

  1. Uta Zwingenberger: The Hebrew Bible in the center . S. 40 .
  2. ^ Jewish Christian Bible Week. In: Leo Baeck College. Retrieved February 18, 2018 .
  3. Daniela Koeppler: Judeo-Christian Bible weeks . In: Maria Adelheid Schneider, Werner Jakob Stueber, Marie-Thérèse Fachon (eds.): Search for peace and chase it. Anneliese Debray - a life for peace . Eos Verlag, St. Ottilien 2018, ISBN 978-3-8306-7896-0 , p. 223 ff.
  4. Uta Zwingenberger: The Hebrew Bible in the center . S. 42 .
  5. Uta Zwingenberger: The Hebrew Bible in the center . S. 45 .