Austrian builder award 1986

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The following projects were awarded the Austrian Builders' Prize from the Central Association of Architects in Austria in 1986:

realization Client planner
Housing estate Biberhaufenweg 15
Austrian settlement agency Heinz Tesar , Otto Häuselmayer , Carl Pruscha , L. u. W. Wafler
Revitalization of the Waidmannsfeld kindergarten planned in 1921 by Josef Frank
Waidmannsfeld community S. Müller

Small hydropower plant in Buchberg am Kamp
Buchberg estate management D. Wallmann, Anton Schweighofer

Retirement home ›Haus im Stiftsgarten‹
City of Hall in Tirol Hanno Schlögl , A. Egger

House on the hillside in Aldrans
Ilse Prandstetter Horst Parson

House Hofer in Kaltenleutgabe
K. + R. Hofer R. Prohazka

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