Austrian Association of Cities

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Austrian Association of Cities
purpose Representation of the interests of the municipalities in Austria
Chair: President: Michael Ludwig , Bgm./LH Wien; Secretary General: Thomas Weninger
Establishment date: 1915
Number of members: 247 political communities
Seat : City Hall
1082 Vienna

The Austrian Association of Cities represents the interests of the municipalities in Austria and is based in Vienna .


The association of towns is an interest group anchored in the Austrian Federal Constitution ( Art. 115 Para. 3 B-VG ) with voluntary membership. As of 2019, 257 (according to own information) of the 2,096 municipalities in Austria belong to the Association of Towns, in which around 65% of Austria's population live. These include all cities and municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants . Some of the municipalities are also members of the Austrian Association of Municipalities , the second constitutional representation of municipalities.


In addition to the Austrian Association of Cities , the decision-making bodies are the management and the main committee. Both committees meet three times a year and make fundamental decisions for the work of the Austrian Association of Cities.

The General Secretariat is located in the City Hall of Vienna , which is also the largest member municipality and traditionally the largest municipality in Austria, the President of the Association of Cities. Mayor and Governor Michael Häupl held this position from 1995 to June 2018, and Michael Ludwig was elected as the new President on June 7, 2018 . Since December 1, 2006, Thomas Weninger has been Secretary General , who succeeded Erich Pramböck in this function . In addition, Austria's oldest municipal interest group (founded in 1915) is active in seven federal states (Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Salzburg, Carinthia, Tyrol) with regional groups and in Vorarlberg with a representation (City of Bregenz).

Austrian Association of Cities

The annual general assembly of the Austrian Association of Cities is the Austrian Association of Cities . The first city days have been held regularly since 1887 to coordinate the interests of the cities. The Austrian Association of Cities in its current form was founded in September 1915, at that time the cities of today's Czech Republic and Slovenia also belonged to it.


The association continuously assesses federal and state laws, lobbying for municipal and communal issues and represents the interests of its member communities and the like. a. as part of the negotiations on national financial equalization with the federal and state governments , which take place every four years . The exchange of information between the cities and its experts takes place in the municipal technical committees that meet regularly, as well as in the form of specialist conferences on topics relevant to the municipalities. Since the Austrian Association of Cities from May 30 to June 1, 2007 in Linz, the Association of Austrian Cities has had an official model. In this, the important socio-political role of cities and their central spatial services for society as a whole are emphasized.


The Österreichische Gemeinde-Zeitung (ÖGZ) has existed as the journalistic organ of the Austrian Association of Cities since 1924 .

In addition, the Association of Cities publishes the Statistical Yearbook of Austrian Cities.

International cooperation

The association has been a member of the European umbrella organization of municipalities and regions, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions ( CEMR ) , since 1962 . From the end of 2004 to 2010, the President of the Association of Cities and Towns, Mayor Michael Häupl also held the position of President of the CEMR. Even before Austria joined the European Union, the Austrian Association of Cities set up its own office in Brussels in 1994, which is located in the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union.

See also


  • Erich Pramböck, Austrian Association of Cities: 90 years of community interest representation: Austrian Association of Cities 1915–2005 . Publishing house Böhlau. Vienna 2005. ISBN 978-320577394-8 .
  • Thomas Weninger (Ed.): 100 years of municipal interest representation: Österreichischer Städtebund 1915–2015 . Publishing house Böhlau. Vienna 2015. ISBN 978-3-205-20066-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

Entry on Association of Cities, Austrian in the Austria Forum  (in the AEIOU Austria Lexicon )
  1. "The Austrian Association of Municipalities and the Austrian Association of Towns are called to represent the interests of the municipalities." Art. 115  (3) B-VG, Fifth Section, Self-Administration , A. Municipalities ( ris.bka )
  2. Number of City Association members according to own statement, accessed on June 5, 2019
  3. Number of municipalities in Austria according to the Austrian Association of Municipalities and Municipalities (magazine)
  4. 68th Association of Cities: Ludwig unanimously elected President . OTS notification dated June 7, 2018, accessed June 7, 2018.
  5. Häupl's successor Ludwig also takes over the city association in June . Article dated May 5, 2018, accessed May 29, 2018.