Eastern lipo

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The Eastern Lipo (other names: Black Lisu , Heipo , Lipoo ) are a Lipo-speaking ethnic group in China .

Lipo is referred to as the Burmese language , with the Eastern Lipo being outnumbered within the Lipo. Officially, they are taken under the Yi or the Lisu . They live in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces , especially Wuding and Yuanmou Counties . There are other circles with Eastern Lipo in Yunnan with Luquan and in Sichuan with the circles Huili , Huidong and Pingdi .

There are about 100,000 Eastern Lipos. In 1995 there was a drastic earthquake in the Wuding district.

Many of the Eastern Lipo are Christians , while others are followers of a local animist religion . The Gha-Mu and the A-Hmao are other ethnic groups in China with a high proportion of Christians. There is persecution of Christians in China , Christian Eastern Lipos suffered severe persecution in the 1960s and 1970s.
