Overlooked mug

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Overlooked mug
Overlooked mug

Overlooked mug

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Beaker relatives (Pezizaceae)
Genre : Real muglings ( Peziza )
Type : Overlooked mug
Scientific name
Peziza praetervisa

The Overlooked Becherling ( Peziza praetervisa ) is a mushroom from the Pezizaceae family.


Macroscopic features

The overlooked cup forms bowl-shaped to bowl-shaped fruit bodies that often grow in dense groups and thus mutually deform. The cups reach a width of 1.5 to 5 cm. The hymenium is purple-brown, the outside overall pale flesh-brown and finely sticky. The consistency of the fruit body is brittle. In injured areas, the species secretes a water-clear juice that does not change color in the air.

Microscopic features

The spores are fine black, hyaline , elliptical and 10 to 13 × 6.5 to 8 μm in size. They often have 2 drops of oil. The asci are cylindrical and measure 175 to 200 × 8.5 to 10 μm. The paraphyses are thread-like, partly forked and with a purple-brownish, granular content.


The overlooked Becherling occurs on burns and between charcoal, especially on sandy soils. It is not uncommon in Central Europe, but is easily overlooked due to its camouflage colors, hence the name. It can be found almost all year round, with a focus on spring.


Web links

Commons : Overlooked Becherling ( Peziza praetervisa )  - collection of images, videos and audio files