Čedomir Drašković

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Čedomir Drašković (in Cyrillic script : Чедомир Драшковић, born August 18, 1914 in Gacko (east of Mostar ), possibly †) was Professor of Orthodox Theology at the Belgrade Theological Faculty and one of the most important representatives of the liberal wing of Serbian Orthodox theology .


He completed his theology studies in 1946 at the University of Belgrade with a dissertation on the original form of Christian sermons . At the theological faculty, which was spun off from the university in the 1950s, he first became an assistant, then a professor, and mainly dealt with questions of practical theology and ecumenism . In the early 1960s he was the dean of the faculty.

At the theological faculty , there were hard arguments between traditionalist and liberal theologians, with Drašković being one of the main representatives of the liberals. In contrast to the traditionalists, he endeavored to establish a constructive dialogue with the Catholic Church and the socialist government of Yugoslavia , as well as reforms in the Orthodox Church , for which the reforms of the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church served as a model for him in some points.


Contributions in books

  • (with Flaviu Popan ): Orthodoxy today in Romania and Yugoslavia. Religious life and theological movement , 1960
  • Crkvene škole Srpske partijaršije (Church Educational Institutions of the Serbian Patriarchate), in: Srpska pravoslavna crkva 1920–1970. Spomenica o 50-godišnjici vaspostavljanja srpske partijaršije , 1970, pp. 313-332
  • Orthodoxy and Ecumenism , in: Religions in Yugoslavia , ed. v. Zlatko Frid, 1971
  • Characteristics vremena patrijarha Germana , in: Patrijarh Srpski German. Spomenica povodom dvadesetogodišnjice njegovog patrijarškog služenja, 1958–1978 , 1978

Articles in magazines

  • Oblici propovedi gospoda Isusa Hrista i apostola , in: Zbornik Pravoslavnog bogoslovskog Faketa , vol. 1.1950, pp. 88-106, with a German-language summary: The sermon forms of the Lord Jesus Christ and apostles
  • Uvod u osnovne probleme omilitike (Introduction to the Fundamental Problems of Homiletics ), in: Zbornik Pravoslavnog bogoslovskog Faketa, vol. 3.1954, pp. 122-163, with a summary in French
  • Četrdeset godina Bogoslovskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Forty Years of Theological Faculty in Belgrade), in: Bogoslovlje , vol. 20.1961
  • O apostolatu svetovnjaka , in: Glasnik SPC , vol. 45.1964, p. 188ff
  • Put crkve u XXI vek (The Church's Path into the 21st Century), in: Glasnik SPC, vol. 46.1965, p. 124ff
  • Srpska pravoslavna crkva i socijalni rad (The Serbian Orthodox Church and Social Work), in: Pravoslavna misao , vol. 20.1977, pp. 5–8


  • Klaus Buchenau: Orthodoxy and Catholicism in Yugoslavia 1945–1991. A Serbian-Croatian comparison . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-447-04847-6 , ( Balkanological Publications 40), (Zugl. Diss. FU Berlin 2003), pp. 174f, 351f
  • Radošin Rajović (ed.): Jugoslovenski savremici. Ko je ko u Jugoslaviji . Hronometar, Belgrade 1970, ( Biblioteka Leksikon ).
  • Josip Šentija (ed.): Opća Enciklopedija . 3rd edition Jugoslavenskog Leksikografskog Zavoda, Zagreb 1977.