İsmail Beşikçi

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İsmail Beşikçi 2014

İsmail Beşikçi (* 1939 in İskilip , Çorum ) is a Turkish sociologist and writer .

life and work

He comes from a conservative and nationalist family from İskilip. Beşikçi attended elementary school in İskilip and then went to Çorum to graduate from high school. In 1962 he completed his political science degree in Ankara. From 1965 to 1971 he worked as an assistant at Ataturk University in Erzurum . However, Beşikçi was “blackened” by Orhan Türkdoğan, a sociology lecturer from the same faculty, because of Marxist and regional, i.e. Kurdish, propaganda by the authorities. Beşikçi was indicted after the military coup of March 12, 1971 and sentenced to prison. Beşikçi, who now held a doctorate, was also expelled from the university and was imprisoned until his amnesty in 1974.

After his release, Beşikçi dealt more with the Kurds and their society and political situation. Beşikçi was arrested eight times for dealing with the Kurdish problem and served a total of 17 years in prison. He was the first person convicted of "founding a secret one-man organization". Beşikçi was imprisoned from 1979 to 1987. He sat until 1999 for other convictions and was released on a general amnesty. By then, he had been sentenced to a total of 100 years in prison and 10 billion lira. 32 of his 36 books were banned in Turkey.

Beşikçi drew attention to himself with his writings during his time at the university. His doctoral thesis dealt with the Kurdish Aşiret of the Alikan and was entitled "Alikan Aşireti Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir İnceleme" (A sociological study on the Aşiret of the Alikan).

With his other works about the Kurds, he influenced the Kurdish movement very strongly, so that he had a great reputation among the Kurds.

At the moment Beşikçi is free and living in seclusion. On July 29, 2010 he had filed a published article before the 11th criminal chamber in Istanbul a. a. responsible for propaganda for the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Turkish and Kurdish intellectuals stand up for his freedom under the motto "The honor of science does not stand alone".


In Turkish language

  • Dogu co-partner Analizi, 1967
  • Dogu Anadolu da Göçebe chooses Aşiretlerinde Toplumsal Değişime, 1968
  • Doğuda Değişim ve Yapısal Sorunlar, 1969
  • Doğu Anadolu now Düzeni, Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Etnik Temeller, 1969 çapa 2.
  • Bilim Yöntemi, 1977
  • Bilim Yöntemi, Türkiye'deki Uygulama 1 Curator Mecburi İskanı, 1977
  • Bilim Yöntemi, Türkiye'deki Uygulama 2 Türk Tarih Tezi, Güneş Dil Teorisi ve Kürt Sorunu, 1978
  • Bilim Yöntemi, Türkiye'deki Uygulama 3 Cumhuriyet Halk Fırkasının Tüzüğü ve Kürt Sorunu, 1978
  • Cumhuriyet Halk Fırkası'nın Programı (1931) ve Kürt Sorunu
  • Devletlerarası Sömürge Kürdistan (International Colony Kurdistan), 1990
  • Bilim, Resmi Ideoloji, Devlet, Demokrasi ve Kürt Sorunu (Science, Official Ideology, State, Democracy and the Kurdish Problem), 1990
  • Bir Aydın, Bir Örgüt ve Kürt Sorunu, 1990
  • Tunceli Kanunu ve Dersîm Jenosidi (The Tunceli Law and the Dersim Genocide), 1990
  • Savunmalar, 1991
  • Hayali Kürdistanın Dirilişi
  • Bilincin Yükselişi (The Rise of Knowledge)

In German language

  • Kurdistan - International Colony , Neuer Isp Verlag 1991, ISBN 3883321885
  • We want to be free and Kurds - letter to UNESCO , Neuer Isp-Verlag 2002, ISBN 3883321214

Web links

  1. ^ "Angeklagt" by Wolfgang Günter Lerch in FAZ, July 29, 2010, no. 173, page 8