İsmet Giritli

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İsmet Giritli (born April 17, 1924 on the Crimean peninsula , † February 3, 2007 in Istanbul ) was a Turkish professor of human rights and also an author .


Ismet Giritli grew up in the Crimea. After finishing elementary school there, he studied at the Kabataş Erkek Lisesi in Istanbul. He then graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law and became a professor in 1964 . Giritli was elected President of Türkiye Milli Gençlik Teşkilatı (TMGT) and representative of Turkey in the UN .

After the military coup of May 27, 1960 , he was involved in drafting a new constitution under the leadership of Sıddık Sami Onar .

In 2006 Giritli was diagnosed with cancer. After a long battle with the disease, he died in Istanbul in February 2007.


His works mainly deal with political issues. These include:

  • Fifty Years of Turkish Political Development. Faculty Matbaasi, Istanbul, 1969.
  • Dimensions of the Gulf crisis , 1992
  • Ataturkçülük ideolojisi , Ataturk Araştırma Merkezi, 1988
  • Komünizm, sosyalizm ve anayasamız , Baha Matbaası, 1967
  • Çaği̇mi̇z ve komünizm , Baha Matbaasĭ, 1966
  • Kalkınma ve Türkiye , Izlem yayınevi, 1962

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