Şahika Tekand

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Şahika Tekand (born 1959 in Izmir ) is a Turkish actress and theater director.


Şahika Tekand studied acting at the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi in Izmir, which she graduated in 1984 and where she received her doctorate in 1986. She then worked as a theater and film actress and has so far appeared in fifteen films. She also worked on performances . In 1988 she founded “Studio”, a training center for actors and artists, in Istanbul ( Nişantaşı ), where she teaches her own method, which is also used in her productions. In order to realize this, in 1990 she founded the theater company “Studio Oyunculari”. Her direction is based on the work of the Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos , whom she met in 1990.

With “Studio Oyunculari” she initially worked on a series of productions of foreign texts and began in 1992 with Samuel Beckett's “Happy Days”. From 1996 she mainly staged her own adaptations: “The Metamorphosis to Rhinos” (based on Ionesco ), in 2000 “(Spiel) er” and from 2002 to 2006 an “Oedipus trilogy” : “Where is Oedipus?”, “ Oedipus in Exile ”and“ Eurydike's Scream ”. “Fear of the Dark” was performed at the 2008 Theater Biennale in Wiesbaden . In 2010 she produced her “Anti-Prometheus” under the title “Forgetting in 10 Steps” as part of a “Promethiad” of the Capital of Culture projects RUHR.2010 and Istanbul and the “ Athens Festival”.

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Individual evidence

  1. Available at IMDb.com
  2. Promethiade bei Ruhr.2010 ( Memento from July 12, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). The other productions of the “Promethiad” are by Rimini Protokoll and Theodoros Terzopoulos