Əliyar Əliyev

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Əliyar Əliyev

Əliyar Əliyev (born December 14, 1957 in the village of Qazyan , Qubadlı Rayon , Azerbaijani SSR ; † October 3, 1992 in the Laçın Rayon , Azerbaijan ) was an Azerbaijani participant in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , who was posthumously recognized as a "national hero".


Əliyev graduated with honors from the Azerbaijan State Institute of Physical Culture in 1979 and then worked as a physical education teacher at the middle school of Dondarlı Village in Qubadlı Rayon. After military service , he was invited as a recognized sports expert by the Saransk State University in 1982 to work as a teacher, after which he taught at the university for two years.

After the death of his father, Əliyev returned to his home region of Qazyan, where he worked as a teacher in the settlement's middle school and as a trainer for the district department of the “Harvest” sports association. In 1985 he was elected chairman of the district council of the Voluntary Society for Physical Education and Sport .

Əliyev was married and had two sons and a daughter. As a  Greco-Roman wrestler, he won the All-Union competition as well as international and national competitions. Eight wrestlers trained by him were Republic or USSR champions.

Karabakh war and participation in the fighting

From 1988, Əliyev, as the leader of the national movement, organized a group of volunteers who were deployed in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . In 1992 he was hired as the commandant of the battalion's search unit. He was later given command of the battalion. He distinguished himself particularly in taking over the positions of Başarat, Susuz dağ and Suarası and led the fight towards Laçın on September 30, 1992  . The battalion under his leadership took part in the fighting for Yuxarı Cibikli Village of Qubadlı Rayon and Topağac-Başarat Village of that Rayon on October 12, 1992 in May 1991 .

With a group of 50 people who had been trained abroad by the Syrian Armenian Karlen, Əliyev blew up the Lalazar Bridge on April 16, 1992, thus destroying the connection to some border villages in the Qubadlı district with the main town. He took part in Operation Şurnuxu in August 1992. In the autumn of 1992 he and other fighters took about 40 villages in the  Laçın district .

Əliyar Əliyev died on October 3, 1992 in the battle for the height of "Tikanlı zami" in the same district.


A street in the Nərimanov district of Baku city bears his name; a bust was also placed there. A school in Masazır is named after him; There are sources called “Əliyar” in Sumqayıt and Binəqədi. A sports club and its battalion bear his name.

On November 10, 1992, he was  posthumously awarded the title of "National Hero of Azerbaijan" by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by  decree No. 301 .   

Individual evidence

  1. Греко-римская борьба. Ай да Гейдар! Retrieved February 22, 2017 .
  2. Греко-римская борьба. Ай да Гейдар! Retrieved February 22, 2017 .