ʿIsha '

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An imam reads verses from the Koran after praying isha in the Mughal Empire

The isha prayer ( Arabic صلاة العشاء ṣalāt al-ʿišāʾ ) is one of the five obligatory prayers in Islam . It is the fifth and last prayer of the day and takes place in the first half of the night.

Prayer time

The time of the Isha prayer begins at the end of dusk, when the last daylight has gone out. The time of prayer ends at dawn. However, it is preferable to perform the prayer during the first third or the first half of the night. The different schools of law set the beginning of the night differently, so that there is a slightly different length of time for performing the prayer.

During the summer, as the time for prayer starts very late, it is permissible to perform the isha prayer immediately after the maghrib prayer.


The Ischagebet consists of four rakah Sunnah followed by four rakah Fard , then two rakah Sunna, ended with an odd number of rakah as Witrgebet. If for some reason the Sunnah rakah is not performed, it is omitted, but the four fardh are compulsory and must be performed. When traveling, there is no Sunna prayer before and after the Ischa prayer and thus only four rakah are to be performed. In addition, there is the possibility of shortening the Isha prayer by half, i.e. to two rakah, on a longer trip, as well as the listening prayer and the Asr prayer .


In Ramadan, after the joint isha prayer, the Tarāwīh prayer takes place in most mosques . The odd prayer is prayed at the end. If one prays alone, one can offer voluntary additional prayers instead of Tarāwīh Nawafel.

Individual evidence

  1. islam.de / The Prayer / The Prayer. Retrieved March 23, 2018 .
  2. The amalgamation of prayers in summer - IIS Islamic Information and Services eV Frankfurt a. M. Retrieved April 25, 2018 .
  3. https://islamfatwa.de/soziale-angelektiven/166-gesellschaft-aktuelles/sonstiges-bezueglich-gesellschaft/125-ab-wann-ist-eine-reise-eine-reise