1943 B3

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1943 B3 was the name of an integrated overall plan operated by the Deutsche Reichsbahn until 1944 for the reorganization of the railway systems in the Electoral Palatinate area.

Project scope

As part of the project, the main train stations in Mannheim and Ludwigshafen am Rhein were to be merged into one node that could be passed in all directions without changing direction . The Mannheim main station was to be raised by around 6.5 m and moved 300 m to the east. It was to be expanded to 14 platform tracks that were used in one direction , and the Rhine Bridge (later the Konrad-Adenauer Bridge) was to be expanded to include four tracks, as was the Riedbahn section between Lampertheim and Mannheim-Waldhof . The Riedbahn was to be introduced into Mannheim Central Station from the west; A three-track expansion was planned to Mannheim-Neckarstadt . In addition, a high-speed connection between the Main-Neckar-Bahn and the Riedbahn between Darmstadt-Eberstadt and Lampertheim was planned.


From 1938 the Karlsruhe Railway Directorate developed uniform planning for the Mannheim / Ludwigshafen area. After a thorough investigation of all possibilities and lengthy negotiations, the Reich Ministry of Transport determined B3 to be carried out in 1943 . The project was very much influenced by the urban planning wishes of both cities.

Because of the Second World War , the project was no longer pursued. After the war, the first priority was to repair the damage to the existing facilities. At the price level in 1952, the project was calculated at around half a billion DM.

In 1951 a new concept was presented which, after extensive discussions, was to be used as a basis for further planning. The measures planned as part of 1943 B3 were gradually abandoned. Only the new construction of the Ludwigshafen main station as a through station was realized . With the western introduction of the Riedbahn , another part of the project was implemented in a modified form in the 1970s and 1980s. The Rhine bridge was expanded to four tracks in 1999.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Erich Fein: The western introduction of the Riedbahn in the Mannheim main station . In: The Federal Railroad . No. 61 , 1985, pp. 401-408 .
  2. ^ A b c d Wolfgang Roth: Operational concept for the redesign of the Mannheim main station . In: Railway technical review . tape 27 , no. 12 , 1978, ISSN  0013-2845 , ZDB -ID 240040-6 , p. 777-786 .
  3. Günther Lübbeke: Large-scale railway planning in space Mannheim-Ludwigshafen-Heidelberg . In: Railway technical review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1952, ISSN  0013-2845 , ZDB -ID 240040-6 , p. 85-92 .
  4. Erich Fein: The western introduction of the Riedbahn in Mannheim Central Station . In: The Federal Railroad . tape 58 , no. 8 , 1982, ISSN  0007-5876 , pp. 597-602 .