24: The Game

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24: The Game is a video game for the PlayStation 2 , the content of which is based on the US television series 24 . Its plot is set between the second and third season of the series. The voices of the characters come from the corresponding actors in the series.

Plot and structure

The game is about the CTU ( Counter Terrorist Unit ) investigating a series of terrorist attacks in the Los Angeles area . The plot is divided into several sections, each section in turn is divided into time and missions. The player can choose one of the characters, who are also known from the television series, and acts in their role as a shooter. The player can choose between MP5 , shotgun , AK-47 , pistol and sniper rifle as weapons. As in the series, split screens of parallel events and the current time are displayed during the game.


“Unfortunately, the car missions do not really convey the feeling of driving. Fuzzy controls, slow acceleration and a car that sounds like a lawnmower disturb this variety enormously. [...] Even if '24 - The Game 'can playfully convince, it is all the more disappointing in terms of technology. In terms of graphics, the title is unfortunately anything but an optical masterpiece, angular characters, annoying pop-ups, sterile environments etc. clearly prove that '24 - The Game 'unfortunately cannot keep up with the competition. After all, the cutscenes are much better designed, lip movements and other smaller details are nicely displayed. [...] The player notices after a few minutes that the title is clearly not yet fully developed. The spongy controls as well as the outdated graphics put you off very early on, but players who continue to play despite the criticisms are likely to find the highest quality and most exciting thriller on the Playstation 2. "

- game tips

“Polished dialogues, Kiefer Sutherland's tense voice and the excellent performance of the voice actors deserve our respect. Exemplary: buyers of the German version, whose speakers seem significantly less motivated, can also enjoy the original soundtrack if they wish. [...] The fact that the story is still very easy to understand at all times is due to the tight, action-oriented narrative style. […] The Hollywood-ready presentation of the game, the unbelievably good storyline and the great sound are in no way inferior to the TV model. The game messes up a better ranking because of the indisputable camera perspective, which often hides essential aspects of the action, as well as the too simple mini-games. Nevertheless: '24: The Game 'is not the big hit, but you can also invest your money much worse. "

“The story is exciting and the atmosphere, thanks to the beautiful cutscenes, is very similar to that in the TV series, so '24 -the Game 'had the best chance of becoming a real treat for fans. Unfortunately, the end product is anything but finished, so that one quickly gets the impression that Sony simply wanted to implement too much, but has not really managed to do this convincingly with a single game element. "


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. spieletipps.de
  2. gameswelt.de
  3. gamezone.de