24 dynasty stories

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The 24 dynasty stories ( Chinese  二十四史 , Pinyin èrshísì shǐ ) are the basic works of Chinese historiography . It is a chronicle cycle that dates from around the 2nd century BC. Until the first half of the 18th century. The 24 dynasty stories describe 4000 years of Chinese history in 3249 volumes with around 40 million characters.

Including the Xin Yuan Shi published in 1920, the 25 Dynasty Stories (Chinese: Ershiwu shi ) are also spoken of, including the 1927 Qing Shi Gao of the 26 Dynasty Stories .


The name "24 dynasty stories" comes from the year 1775 , the 40th year of the reign of the Qianlong emperor. At that time the last chronicle, the " History of the Ming Dynasty ", was revised and a complete edition was published.

The "24 Dynasty Stories " is not the story of 24 dynasties, rather the volumes sometimes overlap. They provide information about the rise and fall of dynasties, politics, economics, military and culture. Changes in dynasties, important personalities, achievements in science, technology, art and literature, the division of the country into administrative areas, legislation and foreign policy are presented systematically.

Structure of the works (systematics)

The historical works usually consist of three parts:

  1. Annals (  /  , ) (chronology)
  2. Tracts (  /  , zhì ) (e.g. administrative regulations, imperial geography)
  3. Biographies / descriptions of life ( 列傳  /  列传 , lièzhuàn ) (most extensive and most important part)

Detailed chronological list

No. Chinese Pinyin German Volumes author treated period
1 《史記》 Shiji Historians' records 130 written by Sima Tan 司馬 談 and Sima Qian司馬遷, 91 BC Chr. Yellow Emperor until 95 BC Chr.
2 《漢書》 Han Shu History of the Han Dynasty 100 written by Ban Gu班固, 92 206 BC BC - AD 24
3 《後 漢書》 Hou Hanshu History of the Later Han 120 written by Fan Ye范 曄, 445 25-220
4th 《三國 志》 Sanguo Zhi Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms 65 written by Chen Shou陳壽, 297 White 魏 221-265; Shu 蜀 221-264; Wu 吳 222 - 280
5 《晉書》 Jin Shu History of the Jin Dynasty 130 written under Fang Xuanling房玄齡, 648 265-419
6th 《宋 書》 Song Shu History of the [Liu] Song Dynasty 100 written by Shen Yue沈約, 492/493 420-478
7th 《南 齊 書》 Nan Qi Shu History of the Southern Qi Dynasty 59 written by Xiao Zixian 蕭 子 顯, 537 479-502
8th 《梁 書》 Liang Shu History of the Liang Dynasty 56 written by Yao Cha 姚 察 and Yao Silian 姚思廉, 636 502-556
9 《陳 書》 Chen Shu History of the Chen Dynasty 36 written by Yao Cha 姚 察 and Yao Silian 姚思廉, 636 557-589
10 《魏書》 Wei Shu History of the Wei Dynasty 114 written by Wei Shou 魏 收, 554 386-550
11 《北齊 書》 With Qi Shu History of the Northern Qi Dynasty 50 written by Li Delin 李 徳 林 and Li Baiyao 李 百 藥, 636 550-577
12 《北周 書》 Zhou Shu History of the Northern Zhou Dynasty 50 written under Linghu Defen 令狐 德 棻, 636 557-581
13 《隋 書》 Sui Shu History of the Sui Dynasty 85 written under Wei Zheng魏徵, 636 581-617
14th 《南史》 Nan Shi History of the Southern Dynasties 80 written by Li Yanshou 李延壽, 659 420-589
15th 《北 史》 At Shi History of the Northern Dynasties 100 written by Li Yanshou 李延壽, 659 368-618
16 《舊 唐 書》 Jiu Tang Shu Ancient Tang Dynasty History 200 written under Liu Xu 劉 煦, 945 618-906
17th 《新唐書》 Xin Tang Shu New history Tang Dynasty 225 written by Ouyang Xiu歐陽修 and Song Qi 宋祁, 1060 618-906
18th 《舊 五代 史》 Jiu Wudai Shi Ancient History of the Five Dynasties 150 written under Xue Juzheng 薛 居正, 974 907-960
19th 《新 五代 史》 Xin Wudai Shi New History of the Five Dynasties 74 written by Ouyang Xiu歐陽修, 1072 907-960
20th 《宋史》 Song Shi History of the Song Dynasty 496 written under Tuotuo (Toghto) 脫脫, 1345 960-1279
21st 《遼 史》 Liao Shi History of the Liao Dynasty 116 written under Tuotuo (Toghto) 脫脫, 1344 916-1125
22nd 《金 史》 Jin Shi History of the Jin Dynasty 135 written under Tuotuo (Toghto) 脫脫, 1344 1115-1234
23 《元史》 Yuan Shi History of the Yuan Dynasty 210 written under Song Lian 宋濂, 1370 1206-1369
24 《明 史》 Ming Shi History of the Ming Dynasty 332 written under Zhang Tingyu張廷玉, 1739 1368-1644

Generic order

In addition to the chronological list, the 24 dynasty stories are also sorted by genre:

  • Four early works ( 前 四史 ):
  • Song Shu , written by Shen Yue , 488
  • Qi Shu , written by Xiao Zixian, 537
  • Wei Shu , written by Wei Shou, 554
  • Eight historical works of the Tang Dynasty ( 唐初 八 史 ):
    • Liang Shu , written by Yao Silian, 636
    • Chen Shu , written by Yao Silian, 636
    • At Qi Shu , written by Li Baiyao, 636
    • Zhou Shu , written by Linghu Defen, 636
    • Sui Shu , written by Wei Zheng, 636
    • Jin Shu , written by Fang Xuanling , 648
    • Nan Shi , written by Li Yanshou, 659
    • Bei Shi , written by Li Yanshou, 659
  • Jiu Tang Shu , written by Liu Xu, 945
  • Jiu Wudai Shi , written by Xue Juzheng, 974
  • Xin Wudai Shi , written by Ouyang Xiu , 1053
  • Xin Tang Shu , written by Ouyang Xiu, 1060
  • Three historical works of the Yuan Dynasty ( 元末 三 史 ):
    • Liao Shi , written by Toktoghan, 1345
    • Jin Shi , written by Toktoghan, 1345
    • Song Shi , written by Toktoghan, 1345
  • Yuan Shi , written by Song Lian, 1370
  • Ming Shi , written by Zhang Tingyu , 1739


  • Endymion Porter Wilkinson : Chinese History: A Manual , pp. 503-507. Harvard University Asia Center, 2000.
  • William G. Beasley (Ed.): Historians of China and Japan . Oxford University Press, London 1961

Individual evidence

  1. Endymion Porter Wilkinson: Chinese History: A Manual , p. 505. Harvard University Asia Center, 2000 ( online excerpt ).
  2. ^ The Brockhaus in ten volumes, Volume 3 , page 2120. FA Brockhaus, 2005.
  3. Collectors' Knowledge: What Is Kept, What Is Discarded / Keep or throw away: how collectors decide. Brill, 2013 ( online excerpt ).
  4. Hamburg China Notes NF 24 of February 5, 2007 (PDF). Archived from the original on June 19, 2018 ; accessed on May 3, 2019 .