Aarne Biin

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Aarne Biin (born August 4, 1942 in Vanamõisa (Haljala) ) is an Estonian writer .


Biin went into Poima and Võipere ( Lääne-Viru County ) to school and graduated in 1962, the Tallinn School of Light Industry as an electrician. Then he worked a. a. as a vocational school teacher and electrician.

He has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 1997 and lives in Rakvere .


Biin published short stories from 1966 and published his first novel in 1979. This educational novel of a post-war childhood was cautiously criticized by Mati Unt as being too “phallocentric” in places, but ultimately welcomed as definitely worth reading. Nevertheless, there was a long break, and the author's next books did not appear until the 1990s.

Although the criticism was harsh in places and accused the author of a lack of sense of style and language or even spoke of "monotonous and worn content", Biin continued to write and increased his pace. In the 21st century, one new novel by him appeared on average every year, whereby the author “[can] fire with many weapons and from many positions. He has written crime novels, romance novels, and science fiction for the past decade. (...) [His books] are all fluent to read and dynamic. Many, however, are at the limit where conscious entertainment literature could stop and something else could begin. ”From this point of view, his position in contemporary Estonian literature can be compared to that of Raimond Kaugver in the 1980s.


  • Tema Kuninglik Kõrgus ('His Royal Highness'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1979. 168 pp.
  • Tundmatu kunstniku maal ('Painting by an Unknown Artist'). Tallinn: Umara 1993. 94 pp.
  • Voorus ja patt ('virtue and sin'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1997. 159 pp.
  • Kõik, mida pole ('Everything that doesn't exist'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1997. 191 pp.
  • Vastlavestern & Casanova yes kurtisan ('Faschingswestern & Casanova and the courtesan'). Tallinn: Kupar 1998. 154 pp.
  • Mil. Mees, keda hüüti tummaks ('Mil. A man who was called the dumb'). Tallinn: Virgela 1999. 287 pp.
  • Sarmikas mõtleja ('The Charming Thinker'). Tallinn: Virgela 2001. 382 pp.
  • Peegelleitnandid ('The Mirror Lieutenants '). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2001. 204 pp.
  • Kuningvesi ('aqua regia'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2001. 302 pp.
  • Linnukaupleja ('The Bird Dealer '). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2003. 286 pp.
  • Venemaalt armastuseta ('From Russia without love'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2003. 103 pp.
  • Presidendirulet ('Presidential Roulette'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2003. 144 pp.
  • Kõikide saladuste võti ('The key to all secrets'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2004. 156 pp.
  • Kaunis Victoria ('The beautiful Victoria'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2005. 166 pp.
  • Miljonivaade ('The Millions Outlook '). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2006. 188 pp.
  • Linna valitsemine (' Ruling a City'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2007. 150 pp.
  • Mees otsib naist ('A man seeks a woman'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2008. 187 pp.
  • Ruts ('Ruts'). Tallinn: Kuldsulg 2009. 159 pp.
  • Kuum suvi Setumaal ('Hot Summer in Setumaa'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2012. 175 pp.
  • Sild üle Koiva ('Bridge over the Koiva'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2013. 159 pp.
  • Meie sõbrad. ('Our friends'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2015. 155 pp.
  • Lossi peremehed ('The Lords of the Castle'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2016. 174 pp.
  • Mõnikord juhtub mõndagi ('Sometimes something happens'). Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2017. 213 pp.

Literature on the author

  • Mati Unt : Aarne Biini romaan, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 9/1979, p. 498.
  • Kajar Pruul: Vanad arved, in: Looming 10/1994, pp. 1426-1428.
  • Oskar Kruus : Provintsi pidurdav jõud, in: Looming 9/1997, pp. 1276–1279.
  • Jan Kaus : Kuninga vari ja vari-kuninga helk, in Looming 11/2001, pp. 1732–1739.
  • Jaak Tomberg: Põnevusromaan, in: Looming 5/2003, pp. 777-779.
  • Teet Kallas : Lugejasõbralik Biin, in: Looming 8/2007, pp. 1267–1270.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 255.
  2. Mati Unt: Aarne Biini romaan, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 9/1979, p. 498.
  3. Oskar Kruus: Provintsi pidurdav jõud in: Looming 9/1997, p 1278th
  4. Jaak Tomberg: Põnevusromaan, in: Looming 5/2003, p. 778.
  5. Teet Kallas: Lugejasõbralik Biin, in: Looming 8/2007, p. 1268.
  6. Teet Kallas: Lugejasõbralik Biin, in: Looming 8/2007, p. 1270.