Abbé Richard

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Abbé P. Th. Richard (* 1822 in Tesson near Saintes ; † February 12, 1882 ) was a theologian and dowser popular in the 19th century .

He was mentioned in several writings as a source seeker, for example in the report on the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft or in Kurt Tucholsky's Pyrenees book as an expert on the source disclosure by Bernadette Soubirous in the pilgrimage site of Lourdes .

In the Weekly Gazette for the Principality of Ratzeburg , Abbé Richard is described as follows.

“He is a priest of the diocese of La Rochelle in France, professor of the seminary there, licentiate in theology and knight of the Legion of Honor . His standing stay is Paris, Hotel Angleterre. Richard's art of finding sources rests on a knowledge of the laws of nature according to which the waters flow above and below the earth. If there are hidden springs in the place, he will surely find them, and also give the depth and the amount of the water fairly precisely. For the discovery of a spring he is paid 60-70 thaler, for two 100 thaler. Richard is now in Posen'schen; he is a forty-something of medium stature, with a high, broad forehead, large black eyes, a powerful nose and a fine demeanor. "


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report on the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft , Frankfurt am Main, From June 1881 to June 1882
  2. Weekly Gazette for the Principality of Ratzeburg , No. 43, 1863 online version