Abd al-Karim Khalifa

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Abd al-Karim Khalifa ( Arabic عبد الكريم خليفة, DMG ʿAbd al-Karīm Ḫalīfa ; * 1924 in Salt ; † August 17, 2020 ) was a Jordanian literary scholar and professor of Arabic literature. He was chairman of the Jordan Academy for Arabic Language (مجمع اللغة العربية الأردني) and President of the University of Jordan .

He was one of the 138 signatories of the open letter a common word between us and you ( Engl. A Common Word Between Us and You ), the personalities of Islam to "leaders of Christian churches everywhere" (Engl. "Leaders of Christian Churches, everywhere ... ”) (October 13, 2007).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Death report ( Arabic  )
  2. acommonword.com: A common word between us and you (summarized short form) (PDF; 186 kB)