Copying refers to the production of a copy or a plagiarism .
Originally this meant the reproduction of a copperplate . Copper engravers were employed in large numbers in printing works , publishing houses and painting workshops in the 17th and 18th centuries in order to transfer copperplate engravings , but also other pictorial representations such as paintings and illustrations, in a printable manner. The original was scratched onto a new copper plate, which then led to a reverse image when printing. The stitch was "copied".
Creative skills were not required for copying, but manual and drawing skills were important. These skills allow engravers to work as counterfeiters with the advent of paper money . For this reason, engravers were sometimes viewed with pejorative and suspicious eyes.
Engraving signatures can contain the following names:
- sculps. , sc. , sculptor , sculpsit = "engraver", "engraved by"
- inc. , incisor , incisit = "cut from"
- f. , fe. , fec. , fecit = "made by"