Subscription newspaper

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The subscription newspaper (in Switzerland: subscription newspaper , in short subscription newspaper) is a predominantly or often only in the subscription -based newspaper (usually: daily newspaper ). The subscriber undertakes to purchase all issues within a specific, closed period. In contrast to this, a bought newspaper is only sold through retail sales. Subscription is the most important form of distribution for regional and local daily newspapers, which is why they are also known as subscription newspapers. From a legal point of view, a subscription is a purchase agreement.

Function of the subscription

The subscriptions strengthen the bond between readers and newspapers. Usually messengers or the Post deliver subscription newspapers. Subscription to a newspaper is usually cheaper than buying it individually.

In contrast to the so-called tabloid , this form of distribution channel has advantages for the newspaper publisher . He has secured sales and so neither a sales risk nor returns for these specimens. The number of subscriptions makes it easier to determine the number of copies ; in addition, the publisher can better dispose of the incoming payments. The advantages for the subscriber are the often reduced price and free delivery.

In this way, a large part of the financial basis is ensured, as there is a fixed, calculable number of customers for the respective requirements. In the newspaper crisis with its declining circulation, there are more and more free trial subscriptions that are increasingly expiring by themselves (more popular than with bureaucratic effort).

Types and terms of subscription

There are several types of newspaper subscriptions that differ in terms of delivery, scope, or recruitment. In addition to the post and messenger subscriptions already mentioned, there is also the (rare) collection subscription (you can collect your copy from the publisher, branch or bookstore ). A voucher booklet makes location-independent, e.g. B. available for the FAZ and the world compact. This makes it possible to buy the sheet only when needed and more cheaply than in individual sales everywhere - without the usual, forwarded subscription to the vacation.

In addition to the full subscription, a partial subscription is (often) possible: it is usually taken out for one issue per week, for example only on Saturdays because of the detailed advertising section or only the Sunday edition. With the tabloid “Bild” - not a subscription newspaper - you can subscribe to the Sunday edition “Bild am Sonntag” and deliver it to your home by messenger.

E-paper subscriptions can also be used free of charge for some, mainly national, daily newspapers as a subscriber to the printed newspaper (for example Die Welt and Frankfurter Rundschau free of charge, Süddeutsche Zeitung and FAZ for a surcharge). Sometimes there is a sole e-paper subscription.

Schoolchildren and student subscriptions are usually discounted if they provide proof of matriculation or a student ID. So-called employee subscriptions for the employees of the respective newspaper publisher are also reduced.

In the case of sponsorship subscriptions, companies pay newspaper subscriptions for universities, schools or non-profit institutions, for example.

Subscriptions can still be differentiated according to the type of subscription, whether it is a gift subscription, a subscription referred by another subscriber (LwL - readers recruit readers), by professional subscriber buyers or a fixed trial subscription.

Newspaper publishers try to win new subscribers with numerous means, for example with bonuses, trial subscriptions (maximum two weeks / two issues for monthly magazines), free copies or short subscription periods.

The terms of subscriptions to which the subscribers undertake are between three months and two years. Here it depends on how the subscription came about: Were the new subscribers recruited by other subscribers, for example were bonuses or promotional gifts given? Newspaper subscriptions usually run for a year and are extended by one year each time if the reader has not given notice.

Trial subscriptions can no longer be offered without request with negative options. Negative options means that the trial subscription simply continues after receiving the last trial issue, unless the reader has expressly canceled.

With a high number of subscribers, the advertising department can attract advertisers very well, because they secure the reach of the publication. In 2006, 334 regional subscription newspapers appeared in Germany; it is possible to subscribe to 353 daily newspapers. 14.8 million copies were sold by subscription in the second quarter of 2006. The reach of subscription newspapers in 2006 was around 62%.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers: Newspapers 2006. Berlin 2006. ISBN 3939705004

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