abr - official Bavarian travel agency

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abr - official Bavarian travel agency

legal form GmbH
founding July 15, 1910
resolution 1996
Seat Munich , Germany
sales 607 million DM (1984)
Branch Tourism
Website www.abr.de

The official Bavarian travel agency ( abr ) was a company in the tourism industry based in Munich . Founded as an independent company in 1910, then under the name Bayerisches Reisebüro GmbH , it grew into one of the leading Bavarian tourism companies until it was integrated into the German travel agency in 1996 and is therefore part of the Rewe Group today.

abr travel agency logo in 1985


In order to be able to offer a complete package in addition to the train journey, the Royal Bavarian Ministry of Transport launched the Bavarian Travel Agency GmbH on the initiative of the Oberregierungsrat Ludwig Ruckdeschel . After taking over the Bavarian travel agency Schenker u. Co. am Promenadeplatz , this formed the core of the tourist activities. The Bavarian State , Bayerische Handelsbank AG , Norddeutsche Lloyd and Thomas Cook and Son acted as founding shareholders . On April 10, 1911, the name was changed to Amtliches Bayerisches Reisebüro GmbH, formerly Schenker and Co , the addition was not used until 1922. At the beginning of its establishment, the abr was responsible for the sole sale of tickets abroad at Munich Central Station , the counters stayed until In 2009, at the end of the day under the DER brand , the sole sale of railway values ​​within Bavaria only ceased in 1924.

Headquarters on Promenadeplatz

After the Second World War , a cooperation with the successor to the Central European Travel Agency, the DER , was decided on April 7, 1948. In 1996, the forced integration of the abr into the DER followed by Deutsche Bahn , and Deutsche Bahn held a majority stake in both companies .


Until the DER sales counters in Munich's main train station were closed , the abr's logo made reference to its original affiliation in light yellow .

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Wolff: 75 years abr. Fence print Dachau, 1985,