Walter Flath

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Paul Walter Flath (born July 26, 1885 in Annaberg , † December 27, 1965 in Ilshofen ) was a German composer and publisher .


Flath worked in Leipzig and Dresden , he was also a teacher at the Realgymnasium in Radebeul . Between 1910 and 1955 he published numerous works of music, and in 1958 there were studies on melody and key usage in the recitatives of the St. John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach: Contributions to a musical declamation. A shellac record of his lullaby (Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, sleep asleep) originally by Mozart has been preserved from around 1935 , recorded with the Dresden Mozart Choir and published by Odeon .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Flath: Studies on the melody and key usage in the recitatives of the Johannes Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach: Contributions to a musical declamation. [Radebeul] [1958].
  2. ^ Entry on flath, paul walter (birth name) in the HANSOPAC of the SLUB .