Department for Migrants and Refugees

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The Department for Migrants and Refugees was established by the Vatican Dicastery (Office of the Roman Curia ) for the service in favor of the holistic development of man on January 1st, 2017.

Terrified by the conditions and the treatment of the large numbers of migrants , refugees and victims of displacement and human trafficking , Pope Francis told a few thousand representatives of the popular movements in the audience hall on November 5, 2016: “In the Dicastery [for the service of promoting the Holistic Human Development], headed by Cardinal Turkson [(Ghana)], there is a department that deals with these situations. I have decided that this department should, at least for the time being, depend directly on the Pope, because the situation here is shameful that I can only describe with one word that spontaneously came to my mind on Lampedusa : shame. ”In mid-December, appointed he Michael Czerny SJ, a Canadian Jesuit , and Fabio Baggio CS, an Italian Scalabrini missionary , as Undersecretaries of the Dicastery to "stand up for the concern of migrants and refugees."

The main task of the Department for Migrants and Refugees is to support the Church - locally, regionally and internationally - in accompanying people in the various stages of migration, especially those who are forced in one way or another to move or to flee. The department's concern should be directed towards those who have been forced to migrate: asylum seekers, refugees, internationally displaced people and other international and internal migrants. Particular attention is paid to migrants who experience hardship and suffering in the countries of origin, arrival or transit , such as victims who flee due to conflicts, persecution or humanitarian disasters (both natural and man-made disasters) trafficking in human beings, migrants with irregular status, exploited migrant workers and unprotected migrants such as women, youth and children.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Francis creates new Vatican office for charity, justice, peace, migration . In: National Catholic Reporter . August 31, 2016 ( [accessed January 11, 2017]).
  2. To the participants in the International Meeting of Popular Movements (November 5, 2016) | Francis. In: Retrieved January 11, 2017 .
  3. ^ Pope Francis appoints Jesuit and Scalabrini priests to the new Vatican department for refugees. In: America Magazine . December 14, 2016 ( [accessed January 11, 2017]).
  4. To participants in the World Meeting of Popular Movements (November 5, 2016) | Francis. In: Retrieved January 11, 2017 .