Abu Tashfin I.

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Abu Tashfin I. ibn Musa ( Arabic أبو تاشفين بن موسى, DMG Abū Tāšfīn b. Mūsā ; † 1337 ) was Sultan of the Abdalwadids in what is now Algeria from 1318 to 1337.

Abu Tashfin I. came to power in Tlemcen after the overthrow of his father Abu Hammu I. Musa (1308-1318) . After the murder of his father, he first succeeded in consolidating the empire, as all clans and tribes had to transfer guarantees for their loyalty to the ruling dynasty to Tlemcen. This pacification of the country soon led to an upswing in the caravan trade, through which Tlemcen quickly developed into an important trading center. Many merchants from Andalusia settled here and spread the Andalusian culture in western Algeria. The economic prosperity enabled Abu Tashfin I to hold a splendid court and a strong building activity. a. several madrasas built.

However, Abu Tashfin I prepared an attack on the Hafsiden in Tunis by overestimating his means of power . When they allied themselves with the Merinids in Morocco , the kingdom of the Abdalwadids was overrun by the allies in 1334. Abu Tashfin I fell in 1337 during the street fighting in Tlemcen. In the following period the empire was annexed by the Merinids. Only in 1359 succeeded under Abu Hammu II Musa (1359-1383) the restoration of the Abdalwadid rule.


  • Stephan Ronart, Nandy Ronart: Lexicon of the Arab World. A historical-political reference work. Artemis, Zurich et al. 1972, ISBN 3-7608-0138-2 .