Acanthocephalus (scratchworms)

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Trunk : Rotifers (Rotatoria)
without rank: Scratchworms (Acanthocephala)
Class : Palaeacanthocephala
Order : Echinorhynchida
Family : Echinorhynchidae
Genre : Acanthocephalus
Scientific name
Koelreuter , 1771

Acanthocephalus is a genus of scratchworms that fish as intestinal parasites in sea and fresh wateras adult animals, aswell as in amphibians and reptiles , but also small mammals, e.g. B. hedgehogs, live andtrigger acanthocephalosis in these.


The representatives of the genus Acanthocephalus are small to medium-sized species of scratchworms with an almost cylindrical body, which like other species of Echinorhynchidae have no spines on the trunk. Characteristic is the short oval to lobe-shaped trunk ( Proboscis ) and the corresponding trunk sheath with a ganglion at the vaginal floor. In addition, the lacunae system of the tegument is provided with numerous network-like connections. The trunk is equipped with several longitudinal rows of hooks that become larger on both sides towards the middle of the trunk. The males have 6 cement glands, which can be arranged in pairs or pear-shaped. The eggs of the species are long-oval.

Way of life

The species of the genus Acanthocephalus live as fully grown animals as intestinal parasites in marine and freshwater fish as well as in amphibians and reptiles. Small crustaceans such as amphipods or aquatic woodlice act as intermediate hosts .


About 45 species are distinguished within the genus. The most popular types include the following:


  1. according to ITIS
  • Theodor Hiepe, Renate Buchwalder, Siegfried Nickel (eds.): Textbook of Parasitology. Volume 3: Veterinary Helminthology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1985, pp. 395-397.