Adalbert Rambach

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Adalbert Rambach (born July 31, 1807 in Hamburg ; † November 30, 1887 there ) was a Hamburg doctor and member of parliament.


Rambach was a son of the physician Johann Jakob Rambach (1772-1812) and a grandson of Johann Jakob Rambach . He attended the Johanneum and from 1827 studied medicine in Halle. In 1830 he successfully completed his studies and settled in Hamburg as a doctor. Rambach served as a poor doctor from 1886 to 1887. From 1864 until his death he was a member of the board of the Pestalozzi Foundation .

From 1859 to 1871 Rambach belonged to the Hamburg citizenship .


  • Wilhelm Heyden : The members of the Hamburg citizenship. 1859-1862 , Hamburg 1909, p. 98

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present, 1873, Volume 6, No. 3088