Adam Andreas of Molnár

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Adam Andreas von Molnár (born December 23, 1713 in Jákfalva , † November 1780 in Kronstadt ) was a Transylvanian doctor and member of the " Leopoldina ".

Adam Molnár was born in Hungary. He studied medicine in Halle, the Netherlands, in Göttingen and then in Leipzig. In 1747 he moved back to Halle, where he received his doctorate in medicine under the chairmanship of Andreas Elias Büchner , then President of the "Leopoldina". In the same year he came to Cluj-Napoca , where he received the diploma of membership ( matriculation number 549 ) signed by Professor Büchner on December 4th in the "Leopoldina". His nickname in the "Leopoldina" was MARCELLUS II. In 1747, Molnár moved his place of work to Bucharest. Here he became the court doctor of Prince Mavrocordat and at the same time Protomedicus of Wallachia. During the Russo-Turkish war, von Molnár fled to Kronstadt. He died here in November 1780. His contributions to the “Leopoldina” were lost while fleeing to Transylvania.


  • Disquisitio causarum Sterilitatis Hominum utriusque Sexus, Dissertation Halle 1747.
  • De aere, aquis et locis Valachiae. (for the Leopoldina)
  • De natura et diaeta crassa Valachorum. (for the Leopoldina)
  • De morbis endemicis Valachiae. (for the Leopoldina)


  • Josephus Benkó: Transilvania sive magnus Transilvaniae Principatus, olim Dacia Mediterranea , Vol. II, Vindobonae 1778, p. 521.
  • Andreas Elias Büchner : Academiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leopoldino-Carolinae Natvrae Cvriosorvm Historia. Litteris et impensis Ioannis Iustini Gebaueri, Halae Magdebvrgicae 1755, De Collegis, p. 513 digitized
  • Arnold Huttmann : Medicine in old Transylvania , Hora Hermannstadt / Sibiu 2000, p. 303 + 304.
  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann , Jena 1860, p. 219 digitized
  • Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. Commissioned by Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, supplements and additions to Neigebaur's history, p. 160 ( ).
  • Stephan Weszprémi: Succinta medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae biographie , Vol. IV, Vienna 1778–1787, pp. 63, 150 + 266.

References and comments

  1. Huttmann 2000, pp. 303–304 and Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár Hungarian Electronic Library (Hungarian)
  2. Büchner 1778, Neigebaur 1860 and Ule 1889 give the different dates of birth December 24th, 1716 , Büchner and Ule also give the different place of birth Tresztyénfalva .
  3. ^ Member entry of Adam Andreas von Molnár at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 21, 2017.