Adolf Aich

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Adolf Aich
Memorial plaque for Adolf Aich, place of worship Föhrenbühl, Wolketsweiler

Wilhelm Adolf Aich (born September 25, 1824 in Rottenburg am Neckar , † July 10, 1909 in Untermarchtal ) was a German Roman Catholic clergyman and founder of the " Liebenau Foundation ".


From February 4, 1859, Aich was chaplain of St. Johann in Tettnang . In 1866 he founded the St. Johann Association , which was supposed to build a donation-financed hospital "for the incurable", and traveled to 20 dioceses to collect donations. This association later became part of the Liebenau Foundation in 1868. With the collected donations, Aich was able to buy the "Schlösschen Liebenau" (now in Meckenbeuren ). There he set up a clinic for disabled and disadvantaged people. Aich was director of the institution until 1878.

Aich was pastor in Wilhelmskirch (today in Horgenzell ) from 1874 to 1904 . In 1886, at his suggestion, the place of worship "Föhrenbühl" was built in nearby Wolketsweiler (also today in Horgenzell), for which a Lourdes grotto was initially built.

Liebenau Foundation

On March 19, 1866, Aich founded the St. Johann Association in Tettnang with the aim of serving as a sponsoring association for a nursing home that was independent of the state and municipal authorities. On June 25th, 1868 the statutes of the foundation were approved by the episcopal ordinariate by Josef Lipp and the foundation called the nursing and healing institution for the chronically ill was brought into being. On June 29, 1870, Aich bought the Liebenau Castle including the properties from Johann Christian Bertram, a heavily indebted building contractor from Ulm, for 17,500 florins.

The Liebenau Foundation still exists today with numerous institutions in the Lake Constance region - Upper Swabia , in neighboring Austria , as well as in Switzerland and Bulgaria . In 2015, a total of 6,469 people were employed in the various subsidiaries, associated companies and other legal entities, which together generated consolidated sales of EUR 310 million. In addition, there are more than 2,300 volunteers.

In addition to facilities for the disabled and senior citizens, the foundation also operates the “Vocational Training Center Adolf Aich” in Ravensburg, named after Aich .


  • Hermann Link: The Liebenau Foundation and its founder Adolf Aich . Edited by the Liebenau Foundation. Liebenau, 1983
  • Andreas Holzem: Denomination and social foundation in Württemberg (1870-1970): Foundation law and religious culture of the Liebenau Foundation between the Empire and the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Richard Puzza (Ed.): Tübingen Canon Law Studies. Volume 6. LIT Verlag, Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-1122-8
  • Karl-Hermann Kästner, Daniel Couzinet: The legal status of church foundations under state law of the 19th century: an investigation using the example of the Liebenau foundation. In: Jus ecclesiasticum: Contributions to Protestant Church Law and State Church Law. Volume 82. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-16-149622-6 , ISSN  0449-4393 .

Web links

Commons : Adolf Aich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Commemorative plaque donated by the Aich family at the nursing home 'Haus St. Johann'; Tettnang, 1998
  2. ^ Andreas Holzem: Denomination and social foundation in Württemberg (1870-1970): Foundation law and religious culture of the Liebenau Foundation between the Empire and the Federal Republic of Germany . In: Richard Puzza (Ed.): Tübingen Canon Law Studies . tape 6 . LIT Verlag, Münster 2008, ISBN 978-3-8258-1122-8 , pp. 19 .
  3. ^ Karl-Hermann Kästner, Daniel Couzinet: The legal status of church foundations under state law of the 19th century: an investigation using the example of the Liebenau foundation . In: Jus ecclesiasticum: Contributions to Protestant Church Law and State Church Law . tape 82 . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-16-149622-6 , ISSN  0449-4349 , p. 89 f .
  4. ^ Purchase contract between Adolf Aich and Johann Christian Bertram . In: Archives of the Liebenau Foundation . June 29, 1870.
  5. Susanne Droste-Gräff, Helga Raible: Instigator with the 2015 annual report . Ed .: Liebenau Foundation, Hospital for the Holy Spirit Foundation, Helios Foundation - Life in Old Age. Meckenbeuren July 2016 ( [PDF; 8.0 MB ; accessed on September 14, 2016]).