Adolf Klügmann

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Klügmann's grave in the Protestant cemetery in Rome.

Johann Adolf Klügmann (born May 12, 1837 in Lübeck , † November 27, 1880 in Rome ) was a German classical archaeologist and numismatist .

Adolf Klügmann was born as the son of the director of the Lübeck Commercial School, Johann Christian Klügmann, and Anna Katharina Susanna, a born tea. He is the brother of Karl Peter Klügmann . He first studied with Otto Jahn at the University of Bonn , later in Berlin and Göttingen . Because of his poor health, he stayed in Rome for most of his life from 1861. From 1873 he worked as a librarian for the Imperial Archaeological Institute without pay . In 1878 he also took over the editing of the Etruscan Mirror project , which Eduard Gerhard had started and which in turn was completed by Gustav Körte after Klügmann's death . The second director Wolfgang Helbig then assumed his function as librarian , which led to a noticeable loss of quality in this area. In addition to the Etruscan mirrors, Klügmann researched Roman numismatics , ancient mythology , especially depictions of the Amazons , and Greek vase painting . The Klügmann painter got his emergency name after him . Klügmann was buried in the Protestant cemetery in Rome .


  • The Amazons in Attic Literature and Art. An archaeological treatise. W. Spemann, Stuttgart 1875, ( digitized version ).
  • with Gustav Körte : Etruscan mirrors. Volume 5. Reimer, Berlin 1881–1897, ( digitized ; reprint: de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1974).


  • Johann Adolf Klügmann. In: Biographisches Jahrbuch für Alterthumskunde. Jg. 3, 1880, ZDB -ID 3923-8 , pp. 82-85, ( digitized version ).
  • Lothar Wickert : Contributions to the history of the German Archaeological Institute 1879 to 1929 (= The German Archaeological Institute. 2). von Zabern, Mainz 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0395-5 , pp. 113, 182.

Web links

Commons : Adolf Klügmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files