Adolf Rhein

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Adolf Rhein (* 1885 ; † 1964 ) was a bookbinder and binding researcher from Erfurt .

As a bookbinder, he produced, among other things, a number of artistically and technically demanding hand bindings (e.g. wooden cover binding with incised writing , certificate of honor in aluminum and blind printing based on a design by Adolf Möller ).

On the occasion of the 20th German Librarianship Day in Erfurt in 1924, together with Georg Aderhold, he worked on an exhibition at the Erfurt Art Association under the title 1000 Years of Writing and Books .

He still looked at the history of the handmade book cover and industrially produced publishing book cover and has written a number for the subject relevant essays, so about the making of cover rubbings . He himself put together a collection of rubs through historical book covers.

His estate , consisting of pattern collections of binding papers , stamp imprints, its cover rubbings, reprints , hand- and machine-written material, journal volumes, books and a photo and negative collection to Erfurt library history with examples of the library rooms and book values, especially among omnibus known union point of view, is today in the University and Research Library Erfurt / Gotha .

The collection of the binding rubbings has not yet been recorded in the binding database .


  • The outer book protection. The development of the German hand binding in cross-sectional drawings , in: Festschrift Ernst Kyriss: the book binding researcher Dr. Dedicated to Ernst Kyriss in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt on his 80th birthday on June 2, 1961 by his friends , Stuttgart, Hettler, 1961, pp. 475–493.
  • How the machine age began in bookbinding . In: General indicator for bookbinding . 75, 1962.
  • The early publisher's covers. A technical development 1735-1850 . In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch , 1962. pp. 519-532.
  • The bookbinder's book: a textbook and reference book for the introduction to the basics of bookbinding and preparation for the specialist exams , Halle (Saale), Knapp, 1954.
  • Erfurt bookbinders for 500 years : [ Festschrift for the 3rd Reichsinnungstag of the bookbinding trade 23rd to 27th July 1937 in Erfurt ], Erfurt, Thiel & Böhm, 1937.
  • The rub-off process for book covers . In: Yearbook of the art of binding . Volume 1, 1927, pp. 133-137.
  • 1000 years of writing and books: Guide through the exhibition at the Erfurt Kunstverein, June to August 1924 , Erfurt, Ohlenroth, [1924].


  • Old Erfurt binding master: workshops and bindings. Appendix: stamp lists. With a table of contents to the text of the binding masters and an overview of the received material compiled by Brigitte Pfeil. 2012. Online resource

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Thomas Bouillon: Legacies. UFB Erfurt / Gotha, June 4, 2014, archived from the original on July 9, 2015 ; Retrieved June 26, 2015 .
  2. ^ Adolf Rhein: Erfurt bookbinders for 500 years , Erfurt, Thiel & Böhm, 1937, p. 63f.