Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk

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Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk (born March 4, 1752 in Utrecht , † April 3, 1837 in Nieuwersluis ) was a Dutch chemist.

Troostwijk was a full-time businessman. He took up the profession at the age of eighteen and worked as a businessman in Amsterdam until 1816, after which he moved to Niewersluis.

He was an eminent chemist and published thirty-five papers from 1778 to 1818, some with his friend the doctor Johan Rudolph Deiman . He also published with the director of the Teyler Museum in Haarlem Martinus van Marum and with CRT Krayenhoff , with whom he wrote a book on the use of electricity in medicine.

In 1778 he and Deiman investigated the improvement of the air through plants and in 1781 carbon dioxide (then called fixed air). With van Marum, who owned a large electrifying machine, he investigated the influence of electricity on gases and metals. In doing so, they observed the decomposition of carbon dioxide (but did not recognize that carbon monoxide was formed, instead they came to the wrong conclusion that fixed air contains water) and the formation of ozone. With Deiman, he was the first to use static electricity to decompose water (from their electrifying machines ) (and then to synthesize it again from the resulting gases). Troostwijk was a follower of the phlogiston theory until 1788 , but then revoked it under the influence of van Marum and Alexander Petrus Nahuys.

In 1791 he founded the Batavian Club , a private chemical company, with Deiman, Pieter Nieuwland and Nicolaas Bondt in Amsterdam . Later the pharmacist Anthonie Lauwerenburgh and the doctor Gerard Vrolik also became members. You were instrumental in spreading Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier's ideas in the Netherlands. The club was active until 1808 and the members published in the Recherches physicochimiques (1792 to 1794), later in Dutch translation and in an expanded form as Natuur-Scheikundige Verhandelingen (1799 to 1801).

Troostwijk, Deiman, Anthonie Lauwerenburgh and Nicolaas Bondt became known when they produced 1,2-dichloroethane, the oil used by Dutch chemists, from ethene in 1794 .

From 1806 to 1816 he was a member of the Royal Institute of Sciences, later the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences .


  • with JR Deiman: Negotiating over het nut van den groeij der boomen en planten, tot zuivering der lucht, Amsterdam, 1780
  • with JR Deiman: Verhandeling over de vaste lucht, Rotterdam, 1781
  • Negotiating over de vorderingen in de luchtkennis, Amsterdam, 1785
  • with CRT Krayenhoff: De l 'application de l'électricité à la physique et à la médecein, Amsterdam, 1788
  • with JR Deiman: Lettre à M. de la Mètherie, sur une manière de dècompose l'eau en air inflammable et en air vital, Journal de physique, de chimie et de l'histoire naturelle, Volume 35, 1789, p. 369– 378
  • with JR Deiman: Beschrijving van een electriseermachine en van proefnemingen met dezelve in het werk gesteld, Amsterdam, 1790
  • with JR Deiman u. a .: Expériences sur l'inflammation du mèlange de soufre et de mètax, sans la présence de l'oxigène, Recherches physico-chimiques, Volume 3, 1794, pp. 71-96
  • with JR Deiman, Bondt, Lauwerenburgh: Recherches sur les divers espèces des gaz, qu'on obtient en mè l'acide sulfurique concentrè avec l'alcool, Journal de physique, Volume 45, 1794, pp. 178–191


  • HPM van der Horn van den Bos: De Nederlandsche Scheikundigen van het laatst der vorige eeuw , Utrecht, 1881
  • Het aandeel dat de Scheikundigen in Frankrijk, Engeland, Duitschland en Noord- en Zuid-Nederland hebben gehad in het tot algemeenestensing brengen van het Systeem van Lavoisier , Amsterdam, 1895
  • HPM van der Horn van den Bos: Bibliography des chimistes hollandais dans la période de Lavoisier , Archives du Musée Teyler, 2nd ser., Volume 6, 1900, pp. 375-420
  • HPM van der Horn van den Bos: Matériaux pour l'histoire de la chimie dans les Pays-Bas. A. Paets van Troostwijk, un chimiste d'Amsterdam de la fin du 18e siècle 1752–1837 , Archives du Musèe Teyler, 2nd ser., Volume 9, pt. 2, 1904, pp. 155–199
  • HPM van der Horn van den Bos: Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk , Chemisch weekblad, Volume 6, 1909, pp. 1-35
  • HAM Snelders: Adriaan Paets von Troostwijk, Dictionary of Scientific Biography

Web links

Wikisource: Adriaan Paets van Troostwijk  - Sources and full texts