Adrian Andreas Pfannenschmidt

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Title page of a book by Adrian Andreas Pfannenschmidt, 1769

Adrian Andreas Pfannenschmidt (born March 24, 1724 in Quedlinburg , † September 1, 1790 in Speyer ) was a German entrepreneur.


Adrian Andreas Pfannenschmidt completed an apprenticeship as a finisher after completing his school days, and after completing it, undertook several trips to further his education. His last trip ended in Speyer; there he settled down as a dye works owner. He tried to introduce the madder dyeworks , which he had got to know in Breslau. To do this, he tried to reintroduce the culture with the real color red, which had already grown in Speyer in the 17th century, but as a result of the acts of war during the Palatinate War of Succession in 1689, the cultivation was completely closed.

During a hike he discovered the madder under a hedge of thorns, which had grown unrecognized and unused for eighty years. With his find of 18 shoe length and weight of 14 pounds, he began to plant land with it and developed the preparation in the dehydrator and in the mill,

In many experiments, despite a lack of knowledge and experience, he succeeded in obtaining satisfactory results in the preparation of the madder. He tried to arouse the interest of his fellow citizens in the madder culture and did not shy away from material sacrifices when it was a matter of gaining a sufficient number of followers for the care of the new branch of culture. He wrote a pamphlet to give all inexperienced planters instruction in madder cultivation. This was followed by another publication in which he treated the technique of dyeing red with madder roots. He took out a loan and lent the money to interested parties. Due to his work and the publication of his writings, he promoted the development of this branch of industry in Speyer and at the same time brought about a significant expansion of the sales area for these products, which soon became an important trade item for Speyer; it opened up an important source of income for a larger part of the urban population.

His reputation as a skilled culture and production technician opened up connections to England , France and Switzerland and he maintained extensive correspondence with the most important farmers of his time, such as Johann Christian Schubart and Stephan Gugenmus . A call from the regent of Austria and the landgrave Ludwig IX. von Hessen-Darmstadt, to move his residence to their states in order to introduce madder cultivation there, he refused.

In recognition of his services to increasing local income, he was elected councilor in Speyer in 1775 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schlichtegroll: Nekrolog on the year 1790, Zweyter Volume, pp. 239–242. Retrieved February 13, 2018 .
  2. ^ ADB: Pfannenschmidt, Adrian Andreas - Wikisource. Retrieved August 21, 2018 .
  3. ^ Christian Gotthilf Salzmann: Memories from the life of excellent Germans of the eighteenth century, p. 690 ff. Verlag der Erziehungsanstalt, 1802 ( [accessed on August 22, 2018]).
  4. ^ German biography: Pfannenschmidt, Adrian Andreas - German biography. Retrieved August 22, 2018 .
  5. ^ Archives of German Agriculture, p. 529 ff. F. Fleischer, 1822 ( [accessed on August 22, 2018]).
  6. Zeno: pierer-1857-012-0936. Retrieved August 22, 2018 .