Advanced School for Computing and Imaging

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ASCI - Advanced School for Computing and Imaging in Delft is an academic institute founded by the Technical University of Delft , Free University of Amsterdam , University of Amsterdam , University of Leiden and University of Utrecht . The University of Twente , the University of Groningen and the Technical University of Eindhoven are associated members of the ASCI.

The ASCI was officially founded on May 29, 1985 by the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Science).

ASCI's research focuses on two main themes:

  • Computer Systems: Methods and techniques for the design and implementation of advanced computer systems, especially parallel, distributed, embedded and real-time systems. Such computer systems are essential for complex applications such as weather forecasting, modeling of molecular structures for the development of new drugs and so on. These and similar applications require high-performance computer systems. In addition, distributed systems such as the Internet are becoming increasingly important.
  • imaging processes: methods and techniques for the analysis and synthesis of images. Many of the above-mentioned applications generate enormous amounts of data that can only be interpreted by humans after being processed by computers. Image synthesis aims at the visualization of data for the human eye, while image analysis refers more to the automatic interpretation of data. Sensor systems such as magnetic resonance devices ( MRT ) etc. are also studied.

The Scientific Director is Andrew S. Tanenbaum , the inventor of Minix .

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