Aemilianus of Cogolla

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Aemilianus of Cogolla

Saint Aemilianus of Cogolla , Spanish San Millán de la Cogolla (* around 473 in Vergegio (today Berceo ); † November 12, 574 in northern Spain) was a hermit and pupil of the hermit Felices de Bilibio (around 443 - around 540).


Aemilianus was the son of a shepherd and practiced this profession until he was forty years old. The hermit Felices de Bilibio took him on as a student and spent three years with him near Haro . Aemilianus then moved to the Montes Distercios and spent the next 40 years there in seclusion.

Cenotaph of San Millán de la Cogolla in the monastery of the same name

Because of his virtue he was appointed priest of his native Berceo by Bishop Didimo of Tarazona (around 490 - around 560) . He held this office for three years, but was then accused by other clergy of wasting church goods because he was too generous to the poor. He then withdrew to the Aidillo Caves , where other clergymen followed him. There he died at the age of 101. His coffin became a magnet for pilgrims . Counts and kings asked his assistance there in their battles against the Moors . In 1053 his remains were transferred from the monastery of San Millán de Suso to the neighboring, newly built monastery of San Millán de Yuso .

He is depicted as a shepherd or as an abbot on horseback with sword in battle against Moors. His Catholic feast day is November 12th.


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Individual evidence

  1. Alfonso Verde Echaide: Felices el Anacoreta. Maestro de San Millán de la Cogolla. Cofradía de San Felices, Haro 2009, p. 60 f.